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~ Emma ~

I woke up the next morning and headed to work. I ran in and threw an apron on. I noticed Killian smirking at me as I rushed to get ready.

"What?" I asked slightly annoyed. He shrugged, "You're late...but luckily for you, my brother is late as well". I fake laughed, "Very's a good thing you aren't going to say anything". He laughed and looked back down at the glasses he was cleaning.

"Miss Swan!"

We looked up Liam who joined Killian behind the bar. "I'm glad to see you here, sorry I was late" he said. I nodded, "No problem". Walsh ran up to the counter and put a tray down, "I need two tequila shots!". Killian nodded and started preparing the drinks. Walsh turned and looked at me, "Hey". I smiled, "Hey...I'm Emma Swan". He smiled, "Very pretty! Suits you". I felt myself blush a little.

"Well what's your name?" I asked. He moved closer, "Walsh". I giggled, "No last name?". He nodded, "If you really want to know what it is, I guess you're going to have to go out with me and find out". I smiled, "Ok, when?". "Tomorrow night at 8" he said smiling. Suddenly we heard a glass drop and tequila was all over the counter. I looked up to see Killian with an angry expression on his face. Liam's eyes widened, "Killian? What the hell?". He sighed, "Sorry, the glass slipped". Killian sighed and left towards the men's room. What the hell happened to him?!

~ Killian ~

I ran into the men's room and leaned against the sink. I took deep breaths and sighed. What just happened?

Once minute I'm watching Emma smile and then the next Walsh is asking her out. And she accepted. I remembered seeing them talking and this strange feeling swept over me. I ended up slamming the shot glass on the table. I knew I was going to hear about it later from Liam. I took another deep breath and decided to go back outside.

I stepped out of the washroom to see Mike standing there shaking his head. "What?" I asked annoyed at the look he was giving me. He sighed, "Don't even try to act like I didn't see that". I rolled my eyes, "So?". He smirked, "You were can say it...but you can't react...take it from me, girls hate jealous guys". "Well then I'm in luck, cuz I don't intend to date her" I said shoving past him. He nodded, "Really? Then explain what happened". I rolled my eyes once more and left. I went behind the bar and made drinks, pretending nothing had happened. Until I noticed Liam approaching me. "Killian, I'm not mad if that's what you're thinking" He said as he joined me behind the bar. I nodded, "Are you going to tease me like Mike?" I spat. He shook his head, "No, I'm not...I know that seeing another guy ask Emma out bothered you, I understand that...but it is no excuse for costing me a glass!". I nodded, "I'm sorry".

"It's fine...I get that seeing someone you have feelings for move on with someone else, I understand...but guess what? Your going to have to get used to it! Because I don't want to see you slip up at work". I nodded, "You make it sound like I'm in love with her". He laughed, "Maybe you do". Then he walked away. I sighed and got back to work.

Maybe he was right, maybe I should just ignore it and move on. Clearly Emma was. I mean, it's just a crush, right?

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