Tying The Knot On A Diaper

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~ Killian ~

Emma hasn't left her apartment in the past 5 days. I go to her apartment every day to check on her and make sure she's eating. She hasn't shown up at work which made Liam nervous. So he started looking for new waitresses/waiters.

I opened her front door and walked into the apartment. She was sitting on the couch watching TV, just as I left her 5 hours ago. As usual. I sat down beside her and put the bag down on the table. I looked at her, "Emma?". She turned to me.

"Come on, love...its been long enough" I said. She just turned her head back to the TV. Emma was upset because her parents were gone visiting their son, Neal. They told Emma about him a while ago and she freaked out at them for lying. They haven't talked since.

"What's in the bag?" She asked. I reached over and moved the bag into my lap. "I bought some popcorn and two bottles of Coke" I said pulling out some stuff. She smiled and looked back at the TV. I sighed and dropped my hands.

"I love you...you know that, don't you?" I asked. She nodded, "Now's just not a good time to be around me, I'm not the nicest person when I'm angry". I chuckled, "That's ok...I'll just have to be nice for you".

"Why do you do it?" She asked looking up at me. "Do what, love?" I asked. She shrugged, "Still care for me even though I haven't said more than three words to you in the past four days!". I chuckled, "Five actually, but who's counting?".

She started laughing, it felt good to see her smile again. She slowly stopped laughing and looked at me, "I love you". I chuckled, "I love you too".

"I'm sorry" she said after a while. "You've been nothing but patient and I've been nothing but rude" she said and looked down. I grabbed her hand and caressed it, "It's ok, I understand...I'm just glad you didn't completely push me away". I moved closer and she rested her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. We continued to watch TV.

| 1 Week Later |

I smiled at Liam as I helped him tie up his tie

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I smiled at Liam as I helped him tie up his tie. He smiled at me, "Don't give me that look". "What?...I'm proud of you" I said laughing. He rolled his eyes, "For getting married? That's what finally made you proud?". I chuckled, "Yeah, I'm happy for you". He smiled, "Thanks".

We walked to the where the ceremony would be held and we got in our positions. I watched as Emma walked down the isle, I smiled. Maybe one day she'll walk down the isle as a bride, my bride.

Then the music started and everyone stood up. Then we saw Elizabeth walk down the isle. She looked beautiful. I looked at my brother and I could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking the same thing. I smiled and looked at Emma, who was now standing in her position.

They exchanged vows and gave the rings. Then they shred a kiss. Everyone clapped and cheered. I smiled, my brother was married. I was so happy for them. After that we all moved to the banquet hall where the party was being held.

I looked around and found Emma. Her back was facing me. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I felt her jump a little at my touch. "Scared?" I asked laughing. She shook her head, "Of you? Never". I laughed and kissed her cheek. She turned around to face me but stayed in my arms.

"You're a brother-in-law now!" She said smiling. I nodded, "Aye". I looked over at the dance floor then back at Emma, "Care to dance?". She giggled, "I'd love to". I pulled her to the dance floor and we began to dance. I wrapped my arms around her lower waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She stepped closer and rested her head against my chest.

After we danced, we ate. We laughed and danced all night. It was so much fun. Then some parents brought their kids home because it was late. After a while, everyone left. It was just me, Emma, Liam and Elizabeth. We sat down at the bar talking. I got up and brought back four beers. I handed one to everyone.

"I don't want any" Elizabeth said putting her hand out. "Come on! You just got married, let's celebrate!" I said smiling. She shook her head and looked at Liam, "I can't". "Why not?" I asked. Liam smiled and looked at Elizabeth, "She's pregnant".

"What?!" I asked smiling. Liam chuckled and placed one of his hands on her stomach, "We found out yesterday...I wanted to wait until after our wedding to tell you". I chuckled, "This is amazing news!". I got up and hugged them both. Then Emma got up and hugged them. "I'm going to be an uncle!" I said smiling.

A/N: I wanted to find a good name for the chapter. With all the names of my chapters I make it something that tells you a bit about what happens. I tried to find the best way to say "Wedding" and "Baby". So I chose "Tying The Knot" for wedding and "On A Diaper" for baby :)
Any baby name ideas?
I have one in mind but I'm not totally crazy about it. I was wondering if you guys had any good baby names :)

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