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~ Emma ~

I waited in the car as Killian ran into the drug store to pick up medicine for his brother. I heard my phone go off so I picked it up.

Emma: Hello?

Ruby: Hey girl! We haven't talked in forever, how's it going?

Emma: It's going

I chuckled and sighed a bit. It was going, but it wasn't going smoothly.

Ruby: How's Killian? And his brother?

Emma: His brother is married and they have a son

Ruby: Really?! Wow!

Emma: Yeah, it's been one hell of a year

Ruby: I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me sometime, you can bring Killian...I was thinking of going to the lake and having hamburgers, like old times

Emma: Yeah, that, um, that sounds great! How about tomorrow?

Ruby: That works for me!

Emma: Ok, great! I'll text you tomorrow, bye!

Ruby: Bye!

I hung up the phone and sighed. Ruby had a point, I had been very distant lately. Not just with Ruby, I've been distant with my parents as well. Which is another thing I haven't told Ruby.

I decided to clean up every mess I had made. I'll start with Ruby.

Killian opened the door and got into the drivers seat. He dropped a bag in the middle of us and closed the door.

He sighed, "I couldn't figure out which ones it was but I got help from the lady who worked there...we just have to drop this off now".

I nodded, "Ruby called".

He looked at me with an uneasy look, "How did that go?'.

I shrugged, "She wants to meet at the lake tomorrow for burgers, she invited you too".

He smiled, "I'd love to come'".

I nodded and smiled but my smiled disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I distanced myself from most of the people in my life...I don't want to do that...I want to reconnect and fix everything".

He smiled, "If it results in your happiness, then I say go for it!".

I smiled, "Thanks....let's go give your brother his medicine before he dies".

Killian laughed, "Oh please, he's always overly dramatic when he's sick".

I chuckled and we headed to their house.


Elizabeth answered the door holding a screaming and crying Will. Relief washed over her face and she welcomed us in. She walked over to Liam who was laying on the couch sweating.

Killian grabbed the medicine and kneeled down beside him.

"How are you doing?" Killian asked with a calming voice.

"I've been better" Liam replied with a small smile.

Killian chuckled and prepared the medicine. Liam lifted his head as Killian assisted him with taking the medicine. Liam laid his head back down and sighed.

"I tried to keep Liam and Will apart so Will doesn't get sick too but it hasn't been much help for Liam" Elizabeth said as she tried to calm a still crying Will.

I smiled, "It's ok, you did the smart thing...why don't I take Will and you go get some rest?".

"Ok" she replied hesitantly.

She passed Will to me and went upstairs. Will screamed but I tried to sooth him. Killian helped take care of Liam. I knew that this was going to be a long night.


Will was now sleeping in my arms. I looked at the time, it was 10:40. I sighed and looked over at Killian who was sitting on the floor beside Liam who was laying across the couch.

Killian looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and looked back down at Will. He looked so peaceful sleeping.

I heard someone get up so I looked up to see Killian walking over to me.

"Liam's asleep" he said as he let out a huge sigh.

I nodded, "Everyone's asleep".

"What about you? Are you tired?" He asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged, "I'm a bit tired, but I'll be fine".

He shook his head, "I'll take Will if you want".

I shook my head, "No! I'd be more than happy to help out!".

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"You're remarkable" he said as he caressed my cheek.

I blushed and leaned my head into his hand. We heard a groan and turned to see Liam stirring.


I woke up to find myself wrapped in Killian's arms. I heard Will sniffling. I slowly slipped out from him and ran over to Will's crib. His eyes were red and puffy.

"Oh no, don't cry sweetheart" I said as I picked him up and laid him in my arms.

He whimpered as I started to swing him in my arms.

"Shhh! You're okay, you're okay!" I soothed and continued rocking him.

I heard the couch moving and looked over to see Killian sitting up. He looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning, love" he said in a groggy voice.

I chuckled, "Good morning".

He got up and walked over to me. He gently kissed me on the forehead and looked down at Will.

"How's the worlds greatest nephew?" He asked.

I laughed, "Cranky".

Killian rolled his eyes and took him Will from me. He walked into the kitchen and began to make breakfast.

"Emma, love...could you go check on Elizabeth? Maybe even wake her up" he asked.

I nodded and ran upstairs. I slowly opened their bedroom door and smiled. Elizabeth was snuggled into the bed and she looked peaceful. Too bad I had to ruin it.

I walked over and shook her lightly. She opened her eyes and yawned. She sat up and looked around the room.

"What time is it?" She asked with another yawn.

I sighed, "It's 9:45".

Her eyes widened, "Where's everyone else?".

"They are all downstairs, Killian's making breakfast" I replied.

"You guys don't have to do that!" She said as she stood up.

I shrugged, "It's not a big deal, family helps family".

She smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"Come on, let's go!" I said with an encouraging smile. She got up and we went downstairs.

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