Welcome To The World

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~ Emma ~

I wrapped my arms around Killian and snuggled up to him on the couch. We were watching a new show called Once Upon A Time. Our friend Regina suggested it.

(A/N: Thanks to CaptainSwan_xx for the idea of having Emma and Killian watching OUAT😊 )

I felt Killian move his hand on top of my baby bump and begin to rub in circles. I smiled and let out a sigh of relief. He chuckled and held me closer.

Suddenly o felt him slow down and eventually stop. His hand was now just resting on my stomach.

"Don't stop" I said.

He chuckled and started rubbing again. I smiled.

"You like this?" He asked. I nodded, "The baby does too".

He laughed, "I know, I can feel the baby kicking".

"Mhmm, my little soccer player" I said laughing. He laughed and we focused back on the show.


Killian left for work about an hour ago. Regina was on her way over to watch me. Killian wasn't okay with me being alone and wanted someone with me. So I invited Regina.

I heard the door bell and ran to answer the door. I opened and saw Regina standing there holding a brown bag and wearing a huge smile on her face.

"Hey!" She said as she walked in. I closed the door, "Hey".

She put the bag on the kitchen table and turned to me. "I brought movies and..." She turned to the bag and pulled something out. She turned back to me. "Chocolate!" She said as she held some up in front of me.

My eyes lit up and I grabbed it from her hand. "Yum!" I said laughing.

She laughed and got more from the bag. "Come on, let's watch some of these movies".

We sat on the couch with the chocolate and we started to watch the movies.


I finished my last bit of chocolate off and licked my fingers. Regina looked at me and laughed. I smiled and we looked back at the tv.

Suddenly I started to feel a strange feeling in my stomach. It was uncomfortable but ignored it. Then I heard a pop and I felt liquid in between my legs. I froze.

I looked up at Regina, "Regina?". She looked at me, "Yeah?".

"I think my water just broke" I said with a bit of panic in my voice.

Her eyes widened and she jumped up. "Oh my god!" She yelled. "We gotta get you to a hospital!".

I nodded and she helped me up. She pulled me into her car and sped off to the hospital. I felt contractions getting stronger and closer together.

"Ahhhhh!" I yelled.

"It's gonna be okay Emma" Regina said for the millionth time.

I nodded, "It hurts!".

She turned on a corner and I moved in the seat. This was not a fun ride.

We finally pulled up to the hospital and she helped me out of the car. "I need you to call Killian" I said as she led me inside the hospital.

She nodded, "I will, but right now we need to worry about getting you to a doctor".

We kept walking until we reached the front desk. "Can I help you?" The lady asked.

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