Two Becoming One

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~ Killian ~

Today was the happiest day of my life

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Today was the happiest day of my life. Even though it hasn't happened yet, I knew it was going to be. Today I was going to marry the woman I love. Nothing brought me more joy.

"You look totally smitten" Liam said with a chuckle as he sat on the couch in front of me.

I returned my attention to the mirror and continued fixing my tie. "Because I am" I replied.

He laughed, "I remember my wedding I get to see you get married".

I nodded, "Were you nervous too?".

He got up and nodded, "Of course! Today marks the first day of your life with's the start of your forever".

I smiled, "I love her so much". He nodded, "I know". I chuckled.

"Come on, she's going to be ready soon...we don't want to leave Emma walking down the isle to no groom" he said as he smacked my back and pushed me towards the exit.

I stood at the end of the isle and waited to see Emma. I heard the music start and everyone stood up. Then I saw Emma walk in.

She was breathtaking. I couldn't believe it, she looked amazing. She began walking. I knew that I'd never forget the feeling of seeing Emma walk towards me. I smiled at her when our eyes connected. She smiled back and quickly tried to hide the fact that she was blushing; but failed.

She finally reached me and smiled. We turned to the priest and waited for it him to start.


After our first dance as husband and wife, we decided to go back to our table. We sat down and watched our guests dance.

"May I dance with the bride?" Liam asked.

We turned and smiled at him. I nodded, "Of course". Emma stood up and followed Liam to the dance floor.

~ Emma ~

We stayed silent as we danced. He was a good dance partner, just like his brother.

"I wish you guys all the best" Liam said breaking the silence.

I smiled, "Thank you...I'm happy you approved of me".

He chuckled, "Why wouldn't I?".

I shrugged, "Most of my life people have not approved of me or thought I was good enough...until I met you guys, I never knew what it was like for someone to accept and love someone else...and now I have the extraordinary honour to be part of this family".

"And we couldn't be happier to have you part of it" he said with a tear in his eye.

I smiled and the song finished. I returned to my seat at the table. Killian smiled as I sat beside him.

"So Mrs. Jones...are you ready for our honeymoon" he asked with a smirk.

I nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be".

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We looked back and watched everyone dancing.

A/N: Short chapter. I know, I'm sorry. But they're finally married!!😆 that's gotta be worth it, right?

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