Blast From The Past

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~ Emma ~

"Wait, what?!" I asked as I stared at them. Mary Margret stepped closer, "We are your parents...we decided to find you last year but all they gave us was a name...then James told us that Killian had a new girlfriend and when he told us your name, we knew". I shook my head, "No! don't get to just decide that you want me back!".

David stepped beside Mary Margret, "Please Emma, let us explain". "Explain what?!" I yelled, "Explain why you ditched me on the side of the road? Or why you didn't want me until now? Or why you thought that you'd be better off without me?!".

The room fell silent. No one said anything. It was more that no one knew what to say.

"We just wanted to find you and make it up to you" David said in defeat. I shook my head, "You can't just leave and then step right back in whenever you want". Mary Margret nodded, "We know...but we also know that we regret giving you away more than anything! And we're sorry we weren't there when you were a kid but we want to be here now!".

"I know it's not going to be easy to just come right back, but can you at least try and let us come back slowly?" David asked.

This was a lot to spring on me. I didn't know how I felt about it but I knew that if I didn't let them in, I'd regret that a lot more than I would if I pushed them away.

"Fine...slowly" I said looking down. Mary Margret walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug. I didn't know how to feel, I felt too much at one time. Anger, sadness, regret, a little bit of joy, abandonment, it was too much to bear at the moment.

I turned to Killian, "I wanna go home". He nodded and we left. He started driving and he didn't say anything at first. Then he let out a deep breath, "Emma, I am so sorry".

"Did you know?"

"What?" He asked. "Did you know?" I repeated. He shook his head, "Emma, I swear I had no idea they were your parents...I would never do something like that". I nodded, "I don't know who to trust anymore". "Just because they screwed you over doesn't mean everyone else will!" He yelled but kept his eyes on the road.

"What they decided affect me in a big way! And I don't think I can just forgive them!" I yelled back. "I love you Emma, and I think you should just try to let them they said, slowly" he said as we pulled up to my house. I turned to him, "I'll try...but I don't think you realize how much it hurt when they made the decision to give me away!".

"I hate to say it, but you could be just as guilty...what happened to August happened because your foster dad wanted revenge and wanted to get back at you! The decision he made affected you and August!" He said finally looking at me. I took deep breaths.

"They made a mistake, but that just means they're human" he said and grabbed my hand. I nodded, "I said I'll try...but trust is something I'm not going to just give out". I opened the door and got out of the car. I could hear Killian sigh as he opened his door. We walked into my apartment and sat on the couch.

"I want to just sleep and forget this ever happened" I mumbled. Killian got up and grabbed a blanket. He came back and laid on the couch. He looked at me and patted the space beside him. I smiled and laid down beside him. He spread the blanket out and laid it on us.

"Take a nap, I promise I'll be here when you wake up" he whispered. I nodded and closed my eyes.

~ Killian ~

I watched as Emma slept. Even when she was sleeping she was beautiful. I ran my fingers through her long blonde hair. Unfortunately, her eyes were closed so I couldn't see her gorgeous green eyes. I just kept running my fingers through her hair as I watched her sleep. I liked doing this because I felt like in some way, I was protecting her.

Then there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I yelled out. I head it open and close. I looked up to see Liam sitting down on the couch across from us. "How's she doing?" He asked. I looked down at Emma, "Not too well". Liam sighed, "I'm sorry it had to happen". I chuckled, "I'm sorry we kinda ditched you there". Liam laughed, "James drove us home".

"I just want to protect her, but what if her parents hurt her again?" I asked looking up at him. He shrugged, "What did you tell her to do?". "I told her to let them slowly back in...but when I said it, I was trying to convince her just as much as me" I said with a long sigh.

"It's a tricky situation" Liam said as he watched us. I nodded, "I just want to make sure that once it's over, Emma's still Emma". I laid my head down beside Emma's and felt my eyes go droopy. Liam smiled, "I'm gonna go home to Elizabeth, we had wedding details to discuss...ill talk to you later". He got up and left.

I stayed there with Emma wrapped in my arms. Holding her was the best feeling in the world. A simple kiss from her could solve any problem.

Unfortunately, this problem is going to take a few kisses.

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