Wedding Dresses

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~ Killian ~

I waited for Emma to come to the bar. I was dreading this conversation but I hoped it goes well. Soon, I saw Emma and Walsh walk in. They got changed and got to work. Walsh left to the bathroom and Emma ran up to the counter and waited for a tray. I decided that this would be the time to ask. "Emma?" I hesitantly asked. She looked up at me, "Yeah?". I sighed, "You remember I told you my brother was getting married? Right?". She nodded, "Yeah in a few weeks too, right?". I nodded, "Well, Elizabeth doesn't really have a lot of close family and she doesn't have anyone to go dress shopping with". She sighed, "You want me to go dress shopping with her". I nodded, "Yeah...Liam said it would be alright, if you agree". She nodded, "Sure! I'd love too!".

Walsh returned and looked between the two of us, "What's up?". Emma shrugged, "I'm going to go dress shopping with Liam's fiancé, I'll pick you up after work?". He nodded, "Alright". Liam and Elizabeth walked in smiling. I looked over at him, "Emma agreed". Elizabeth jumped over to Emma and hugged her, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!". Emma laughed, "No problem". Elizabeth turned to Liam, "I'll be back later". She kissed him and left with Emma. Liam sighed, "I gotta go handle some wedding stuff, can you two handle the bar while I'm gone?". We nodded and he left. Now it was just me and Walsh.

~ Emma ~

We pulled up to a dress shop and went inside. They quickly brought us to a room and said we could look through dresses. There were thousands of dresses on racks. I smiled and we started looking through them. "How about this one?" Elizabeth asked. I looked over at the dress she was holding up. I shrugged, "Do you like it?". She laughed and walked over to me. "You don't need to be scared of hurting my feelings...I want your honest opinion". I sighed, "It's your wedding". She nodded, "Yeah but...". She stopped and looked around the room. I tilted my head, "What?...tell me".

"Well, my parents both died 7 years ago and it was just me and my sister...but then my sister died in a car accident about 3 years ago...I don't have any close friends and I just feel bad because he has friends and family and I....don't" she sighed and looked down at the floor. I chuckled to myself, "It doesn't matter how big your family is, trust me...I'm alone too, I've never had anyone". She looked up, "What do you mean?". I sighed, "I'm an orphan, was and probably always will be". She nodded, "Oh, I'm sorry". "It's ok," I replied "Anyway, that's my point...its doesn't matter how big your family is...the most important thing is that you and Liam are getting married, I'm sure he doesn't care how many people are going". She sighed, "Thanks". I nodded, "It's the way, I don't like that other dress". She laughed and we kept looking through dresses.

After a few dresses we finally found the perfect one. Elizabeth ran to try it on. The lady told me to stay seated and wait for her to come out. So I sat, and waited. Then I saw her walk out, she looked amazing. I smiled and nodded, "Yes!! That's the one!". She smiled and let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god!". We laughed and paid for it. By the end of the day, we had everything picked out. It was perfect. After we did a lot of shopping, we went to eat. As we were sitting I noticed the ring on her finger, "It's gorgeous!". She smiled, "I know! That's amazing!". "I'm glad we have most of the things picked out" I said laughing. She nodded, "I'm surprised Liam agreed with pink and purple theme".

I nodded, "Speaking of...I love the purple maid of honour dress!". She sighed, "I'm glad you liked it cuz I was kinda wondering if you'd be my maid of honour?". My eyes widened, "Are you sure?". She nodded, "I don't know anyone better for this than, will you do it?". I nodded, "Of course! I'd be honoured to!". I nodded, "I also like the pink bridesmaids dresses," I stopped and looked up at her "I hope you don't mind me asking, but who's going to be your bridesmaids?".

She sighed, "Just two old friends". I nodded, "Wow!...well, I can't wait to meet them". She smiled and we continued eating.

~ Killian ~

Emma and Elizabeth had been gone for about 3 hours. I hoped everything was going well. Walsh and I have been serving drinks silently, we haven't talked that much. I looked up to see Walsh walking up me, he put the tray down and watched me make the drink. Suddenly, he shifted and dropped his hand on the counter. "You know you should back off" he said staring at me. I looked over confused, "What?". He laughed, "You think I don't know what your doing?...asking Emma to help your sister-in-law in attempts to get her closer to you and your family?!". I smirked, "That's not what I'm doing". He shook his head, "Please, I see the way you look at's the way only I should look at her!".

I rolled my eyes and put the glass on the tray, "Serve some drinks". He laughed, "You'll never get her...she's mine". I shrugged, "You're wrong...Emma doesn't belong to anyone!". He rolled his eyes and picked up the tray. Then he gave me a look that could kill before walking away. I sighed. Starting now, me and Walsh had a further chance of being friends.

A/N: Sorry the chapters are short :( I try my best to make them as long as possible.
Also, don't worry about seeing the dresses and stuff. I'll be showing all that on the wedding day chapter :)

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