A Gathering of Friends

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 Warning, Notes and Disclaimers - Please Read!

1. This is a continuation of my first two stories Reversed Psychologies and Rekindling the Flame and continues a de-aging fic. If you don't like, don't read.

2. I messed up my timeline in saying it was 2006. It should actually be 2007. I forgot that, in the US, new seasons being in Sept and not Feb like they do in Australia. So, please fast forward a year in your mind, although all characters will stay the same age. Story is set about two weeks after Rekindling the Flame. Please remember that, as it is 2007 we, as the audience to the show, have not yet met Senior or Eli David. Somalia hasn't happened and, relationships between the team members are still developing.

3. This particular story is very AU and brings together about 5 years of NCIS story lines that revolve around the whole Amsterdam mission from 1991 with Vance, the Paris mission from 1999 with Gibbs, Jenny and Decker and parts of the Judgement Day episodes. It will ultimately result in the deaths of Anatoly Zukov and Svetlana Chernitskaya. However, this will take place over a few months rather than years, as I wanted to bring it all together in a different way. Think of it as a kind of 'Sliding Doors' effect as in, different actions and reactions cause different events to take place.

4. I feel it's important to say here that I actually really like the characters of Eli David and Senior as they are portrayed in the show. Again, for the purposes of my story, I have written these two very differently and have, very much so, made them the 'bad guys'.

5. While definitely not the focus, this story does contain the discussion of and occasional spanking of minors. Again, don't like, don't read.

6. I do not own any of the characters - I just like to play with and torture them.

7. All mistakes are my own - apologies ahead of time

Chapter 1 - A Gathering Of Friends

"Tony! Ziva!" called Jenny Shepard as she fiddled with the clasp on her right earring which was stubbornly refusing to fix into place. "Inside please. You need to get ready!"

Standing in the open doorway between the kitchen and the patio, she made one final attempt at clipping the clasp together before ripping the darn things out and forgetting about it. Thankfully, the earring in question relented and finally snapped in place with a satisfying 'click'.

Looking out into the yard she could see movement in the tree house but, as yet, no miniature human forms had presented themselves.

"NOW!" she yelled, to the empty garden at large.

Finally, a small dark head appeared through the tree house door followed by tiny body wearing a pair of denim overalls and a purple t-shirt. As the young girl made her way down the ladder, jumping the final four rungs, she turned towards the house and ran forwards, arriving in the doorway thirty seconds later.

Looking back towards the tree house but seeing no further movement, Jenny peered down at her daughter and asked, "Where's your brother?"

When the only response was a small shrug of the shoulders as Ziva slipped past her and into the kitchen, Jenny turned and reached out a hand, effectively stopping the little girl in her tracks.

"What do you mean you don't know?" she asked, looking into the hot sweaty face before her. "Weren't you just with him?"

"Um..." began Ziva."Well, I was when I left the tree house but I don't know where he is now because he may have moved."

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