Secrets Revealed

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Chapter 32 - Secrets Revealed

20 hours earlier...

Pushing his way through the crowded airport, Anthony DiNozzo Senior was hell bent on making it to arrival gate 35 by 6.00pm. He had fully intended to be there at 5.30 but the idiot cab driver seemed to be new to the city and had taken the longest route possible. Either that, or he was out to make a quick buck. At long last, the cab drew up to the curb at 5.50pm. After throwing some money at the driver, Senior had leaped out of the cab and, rushing inside the building, had immediately checked the flight schedules. Finding Natasha's fight had arrived five minutes early, landing at 5.45, Senior then began the heart pounding dash to gate 35 hoping she had been delayed at the baggage terminal.

He was in luck. Arriving at the gate with two minutes to spare, it didn't take long for him to realize that none of the passengers had yet passed through the gate. Taking a seat in the nearby lounge, Senior waited for his breathing to settle and wiped the beads of sweat from his face and neck with the handkerchief he kept in his pocket.

He hadn't wanted to appear too formal for this 'chance' encounter so he'd decided on a light pair of cotton blend trousers and a navy polo shirt. He had forgone a jacket as the weather was quite warm and, besides, he fully intended to take Ms Lenkov to his favorite restaurant and had reserved a balcony table.

As the first group of passengers began to trickle through the arrival's gate, Senior kept back, watching intently for any sign of Natasha. When the trickle of passengers turned into a stream, he found himself double checking every female to ensure he didn't miss her. As he watched a Russian family happily greeting their American relatives, he caught sight of her and gasped. It had been a few years since Anthony DiNozzo had last seen Natasha Lenkov and, if anything, she had grown more beautiful with time. Her hair, flowing freely down her shoulders and back, was the colour of honey; a rich golden hue highlighted by sun bleached streaks which shimmered enticingly. Her slim figure was perfectly captured in a white tailored dress suit, pulled tightly at the waist with a thin black patent belt. The white high heels and leather purse completed the outfit.

As she exited the gate, pulling a small carry-on suitcase, Senior quickly made his way to a newsstand he was sure she would have to pass.

In classic DiNozzo style, he timed their meeting perfectly. Just as Natasha swerved slightly to miss the gentleman bent over the magazines, Senior immediately stood and took a step backwards, ensuring he'd step right into her.

"Watch it!" he heard her snap snidely as she clumsily tried to avoid another collision.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Ma'am," gushed Senior. "I didn't see you there. Please let me.... Natasha?"

On hearing her name, Natasha immediately stopped and turned to take a closer look at the man she had just dismissed so rudely.

When Senior realized she didn't quite recognize him, he held out his hand and said, "Tony DiNozzo." Then, softening his voice in show of hushed secrecy, he leaned in and murmured, "The rare Russian sculpture? 2003? Surely you remember?" he added in a veiled attempt to sound hurt.

"Ah, yes of course," she replied smoothly, placing her hand in his.

Lifting the hand, encased in a delicate lace glove, Senior kissed it reverently.

"So what brings you to our humble shores?" he asked. "Another rare piece, perhaps?"

"Not this time, Tony," she replied, her Russian accent thick and alluring. "I'm afraid I am here to say goodbye to an old acquaintance. His funeral is later this week. In the meantime, I do have some other business that I shall attend to. And yourself?" she asked casually. "What brings you to the airport this evening?"

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