Sinking In

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Chapter 5 - Sinking In

Abby's lab had been Gibbs' first port of call after leaving interrogation. He had been pleased to see Tim was there also. It would mean telling them both together. So, on arriving, he had sent the pair of them into Abby's office. Once he had ensured all cameras were off and all doors were locked, he filled them both in with what had taken place in interrogation. They had both been shocked and full of questions but, as Gibbs had already explained, without confirmation from Brigette, it was all hearsay for the time being. Although, deep in his gut, Gibbs knew that Stevens spoke the truth.

After explaining to Abby that he needed new IDs for both Tony and Ziva, Gibbs has sent her off to begin the task while he continued talking to Tim.

"Any news on Douglas' family?" he asked, as the pair of them remained in the office.

"Well, I think I may have finally tracked them down. It wasn't easy," replied Tim, looking at Gibbs.

"Why, what was the problem?" asked Gibbs.

"Apparently, about fifteen years ago," began Tim. "Sergeant Major Douglas Redding was deployed on a highly classified mission to the Gulf. Two years later, when the mission was complete, there were some leaks regarding the task and Douglas Redding, his wife and two daughters were sent to live in France for their own protection. Not many were told of their whereabouts and, as hoped, he and his family fell from the radar."

"So what was he doing in the US when he was kidnapped?" asked Gibbs.

"Well, that's what I wondered as well. As it turns out, he was here for a top secret conference to discuss some of the issues that were leaked and how they may have come about," continued Tim. "Apparently, Douglas popped out to get some coffee and wasn't seen again. Naturally, the people at the conference assumed it was something to do with the mission and kept his disappearance under wraps for a while, choosing to launch a search from their end, until it became obvious that it wasn't anything to do with their conference. Sadly though, time was wasted while they were figuring this out."

"Yeah, I bet," added Gibbs. "So, I'm assuming his family is still in France?"

"Well the wife is," said Tim. "One daughter moved to the UK eight years ago and the other married an Italian and moved to Italy about three years ago."

"Have they been told?" asked Gibbs.

"Agents have apparently been notified in France and will be telling the wife as soon as possible. They didn't feel it was something that should be done over the phone," explained Tim.

"No," agreed Gibbs. "So we could still have Douglas for a few days then?"

"Yeah, at least," said Tim. "I guess it depends on how quickly the news sinks in and Mrs Redding is able to get on a flight."

"Ok, then," said Gibbs standing up. "I guess I'll need to get some more supplies. Hopefully his wife will be able to get here before Sunday. It would be nice to have Tony's birthday with just family around."

"Oh, of course," said Tim, as the pair of them headed into the main lab. "I'd forgotten about that. Well, not forgotten exactly," amended Tim quickly. "Just sort of forgot with everything, you know..." he dwindled off.

"Yeah, I get ya Tim, don't worry about it," said Gibbs, slapping Tim on the back. "As long as you can make it Sunday, that's all I care about."

"Can't wait Gibbs," said Abby cheerfully, as the two men walked up to her. "Has Tony decided what he wants to do?"

"Well, believe it or not," said Gibbs, looking over Abby's shoulder at what she was doing. "He just wants everyone around, barbecue for lunch and pizza for tea. I don't think he's experienced much in the way of birthday parties, so having the people he loves around him, is more than enough."

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