Facing the Consequences

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Chapter 43 - Facing the Consequences

"Stupid, stupid incompetent fools!" snarled Svetlana as she paced the hotel room, her cell attached to her left ear.

DiNozzo Senior sat rigid in the arm chair. When her cell had buzzed only a few minutes ago, he had waited eagerly to hear that Gibbs had finally met his demise. However, as he listened to the one sided conversation, his hopes of seeing a quick resolve soon faded.

"What?" snapped Svetlana. "How the hell did Mossad come into this?"

DiNozzo tensed. Had Belzer been discovered? Had she talked? He strained his ears, trying desperately to hear the voice on the other end of the conversation.

"How long do you think they will keep the bodies?" asked Svetlana. "Right..... Oh he is, is he?...Well I guess I might be taking a trip to DC then...Hmmmm...Fine, keep me posted."

DiNozzo looked up to see Svetlana slam her cell on the coffee table.

"I don't believe it!" she stormed. "Those idiots have gone and got themselves killed!"

"All of them?" asked DiNozzo, hoping at least a couple had managed to escape.

"Yes," snapped Svetlana. "And, would you believe it? A Mossad Officer was among the dead?"

"Really?" acknowledged DiNozzo feigning surprise. "How do they know that?"

"Finger print ID," said Svetlana, her mind preoccupied with the ramifications of what she'd just heard.

"So, did they manage to take out anyone?" asked DiNozzo. He so desperately wanted to hear that Gibbs, at least, was dead. Eli had promised him a small fortune for his efforts.

"No," replied Svetlana. "It looks like they were ambushed. Gibbs," she spat the name with distaste. "And his so called team, were lying in wait for them. They didn't stand a chance."

"And Viggo?" asked DiNozzo. He knew Svetlana was particularly close with Viggo Drantyev

She rounded on him angrily.

"Were you not just listening to me, you bumbling fool!" she yelled, her eyes flashing with anger. "I just told you they were all killed including the Mossad impostor."

She paused and looked to the right, thinking quickly.

"I bet Eli David had something to do with this," she concluded. "But why would he want to see Gibbs dead? He has a daughter working for NCIS and, from what I've heard, he also has quite an affiliation with Leon Vance."

"Maybe he and Gibbs have crossed paths in the past," offered DiNozzo. "Maybe Gibbs has tried to harm his daughter like he has my son. He possibly planted the Mossad officer so she could be his spy. Ensure she kept him in direct contact with what was happening."

Svetlana suddenly narrowed her eyes at DiNozzo. Stalking towards him like a tiger hunting its prey, she stopped only inches from his chair and bent to stare directly into his eyes.

"What makes you think the Mossad officer was a woman?" she asked dangerously.

"I...I...I don't know," stammered DiNozzo. "I just as-s-summed. Eli does like his women. But yes, you're right my darling. The Mossad officer has every chance of being a man."

Gathering all his bravado and trying to assume an air of casualness, DiNozzo stood and strolled to the drinking cabinet. Opening the glass door, he pulled out the vodka and lifted it towards her, eyebrows raised in an offer to pour her a drink.

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