Under Attack

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Chapter 45 - Under Attack


Svetlana Chernitskaya narrowed her eyes and grinned malevolently.

"Well, Eli," she drawled to the man sitting next to her. "It would appear our luck has changed."

"I agree," remarked Eli David, smirking smugly. "You doubted me?"

"I had my doubts when you called and suggested we team up," replied Svetlana. "But I'm beginning to see its worth."

She paused and lightly fingered the gun in her purse.

"I was going to kill you the minute I saw you, you know," she continued coldly. "Sending DiNozzo to spy on me, not to mention the Mossad officer you infiltrated into my squad of hitmen; neither of those were particularly good moves on your part."

"I had no choice, my dear," defended Eli smoothly. "I couldn't be seen getting involved. I had to find....other means."

"And now?" asked Svetlana.

"Well, now I am a free man," replied Eli. "Free from Mossad that is. I have nothing to lose. I am a dead man walking. As to when my demise will be finalized? Well, that very much depends on two things happening. One, I want to see Leroy Jethro Gibbs die and, two, if I can't have her, nobody can. I need to kill Ziva."

Svetlana looked at him in shock.

"You would kill your own daughter?"

"Oh course," replied Eli, surprised that Svetlana would ask such a question. "She is of no use to anyone else. Ziva was born to be a killer. If I cannot train her, nobody can."

"But you have already trained her, have you not?" asked Svetlana, confusion etched on her face.

Realizing that Svetlana was unaware of the special circumstances surrounding Ziva's current age and form, Eli decided it was best not to reveal anymore.

"Yes, but she is trained for a Mossad that is under my rule. No other. Besides," he added with a finality he hoped would end the conversation. "She is my daughter. Mine to do with as I please."

Still shocked by his coldness, Svetlana reached into her purse as any further discussion was cut short by the ringing of her cell.

"Yes," she answered brusquely.

Eli waited anxiously as he listened to the one sided conversation.

"That is good....that is very good," sneered Svetlana. "Yes, I will meet you as arranged. Do NOT mess this up."

Eli raised his eyebrows and looked at Svetlana as she hung up.

"Davidson is set," she relayed. "The plan worked, and he will be picking me up shortly.

She looked at Eli and smirked tauntingly.

"It would seem you are two for two, Eli," she conceded. "Both your ideas have come to fruition. I will now leave you to complete your part in this. All going well, we should be at the house in less than an hour."

Opening the car door, Svetlana stepped out and put on her large white coat. Grabbing her purse, she checked once more, making sure the gun was present and secure.

She peered into the car.

"I shall see you soon Eli," she simpered. "By the end of this evening, an old debt will be settled. Remain vigilant. NCIS has many friends."

Closing the car door, Svetlana made her way down the street, leaving Eli to ponder her parting words.


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