Four Again

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Chapter 16 - Four Again

By two o'clock Friday afternoon, Gibbs, Tony and Ziva had reached a whole new level of excitement.

"Is it time to go yet Daddy?" asked Ziva for the umpteenth time that day.

Sighing, Gibbs looked at his watch. Technically they really didn't need to leave until 2.30 in order to meet the plane, but he, too, was just as excited. Five days without seeing Jenny had felt like a lifetime.

"Tell ya what," he began, smiling at Ziva who bounced excitedly next to him. "Why don't we leave a bit earlier and we can pick up some of those chocolate brownies from the bakery for Mommy."

"Yay!" squealed Ziva, dancing around. "I'll get Tony!"

Grabbing the car keys, Gibbs popped his head into the store before heading to the garage.

"Hey Dad," he said, spotting his father at the table. Jackson was making the most of the quiet afternoon to get the books in order. "We're gonna head off early to pick up Jen," continued Gibbs.

"Right Son," replied Jack, looking up briefly. "I'm looking forward to meeting this lady of yours."

"We'll bring home some pizzas for tea, OK?" said Gibbs.

Jackson laughed. "That'll please Tony," he said. "Drive safely."

"I will. See ya 'round sixish," said Gibbs, before turning around and heading back into the house.

"Come on!" he called loudly as he passed the stairs. "I'm leaving now."

When no reply was heard, Gibbs made his way through the house and out to the garage. Opening the car door he wasn't too surprised to see two little figures already buckled in the back seats and waiting excitedly.

"Sheesh Dad," said Tony, rolling his eyes. "What took ya so long!"

Laughing to himself, Gibbs put on his seat belt, turned the key and slowly backed out of the drive.


"I think we should get four chocolate brownies and four caramel slices," said Ziva as they stood looking at the assortment of cakes and slices.

"No, four Brownies and five caramel slices," corrected Tony. "We'll need to get Grandpa one as well because we'll have the caramel slices for dessert."

"Good thinking, Tony," said Ziva, tapping him on the head. "There is a brain in there."

"Hey!" growled Tony good-naturedly as he put Ziva in a head lock and tried to ruffle her hair.

Seeing that Ziva was about to flip Tony in the small confines of the bakery, Gibbs stepped forward and removed Tony's arm.

"Not in here, Tony," he said softly. "There are too many things that could get broken when Ziva flips you on your backside."

"She may not, you know," argued Tony. "I may have learnt to resist her moves."

"Yeah right Tony," scoffed Ziva. "When we get to the playground, we'll test that out. I can flip you like a kitten."

"Can not!" retorted Tony.

"Can so," argued Ziva.

"Hey," interrupted Gibbs. "At this rate it will be two brownies and three caramel slices," he warned, glaring at both children.

Grinning mischievously, Tony said, "What will you and Mom eat then?"

Reaching out, a look of mock sternness on his face, Gibbs tried to swat Tony's bottom but the boy was too quick and managed to duck away.

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