Sunday Night

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Chapter 30 - Sunday Night

The piercing whistle cut through the air like a knife. Visions of fingernails scratching down blackboards had everyone in an immediate state of attention.

"Geez, Jen!" complained Gibbs, rubbing at the ear that was closest to the exasperated woman who was now glaring at him. "What's up?"

"I'm trying to get everyone's attention," she growled in frustration. "As soon as I have one person listening, someone else gets distracted, I get them back on track and the first lot have wandered off!"

"OK," placated Gibbs. "Well, I think you have everyone's attention now. What's the problem?"

"I'm trying to sort out what everyone wants to do for dinner," said Jenny, more calmly than she felt. "It's nearly six o'clock and I want Tony and Ziva in bed on time tonight. We have a five hour journey tomorrow."

"What's 'on time' mean?" asked Tony suspiciously.

"The same as what it's always meant," replied Jenny, turning her attention to the boy who was frozen in mid wrestle with Tim on the living room floor. "Nine for you and eight for Ziva."

"Oh OK," said Tony, approving the time restrictions.

Noticing Tim had his full attention on his Mom, Tony struck quickly, jabbing Tim in the stomach and calling victory by sitting on his chest.

"I am the king of the universe," he called loudly, raising his fists in triumph.

"Hey!" reprimanded Jenny. "Unless the king wants to park his little butt in timeout, he'll shush up and listen to his Mother!"

"Listening now, Oh great one," replied Tony, bowing reverently.

Rolling her eyes at the boy's cheekiness, Jenny continued, "So, if there's any chance of getting these two," she pointed from Tony to Ziva, "fed, bathed and in bed by eight o'clock-"

"Nine," interrupted Tony.

Jenny raised her eyebrows and issued a glare that had the boy shrinking behind Tim.

Breathing out a long sigh, Jenny continued, "Then we need to think about getting some dinner now."

"When we checked in, the guy said the place across the road was pretty good," suggested Tim. "It has a buffet style menu where you can pick what you want."

Jenny looked at Gibbs who shrugged in agreement.

"OK then," continued Jenny. "Tony, Ziva, shoes and jackets on. The rest of you - we leave in five minutes."

Two minutes later while Gibbs was trying to bundle Ziva into her jacket, his cell phone rang.

"Jen!" he called.

When she turned around, he pointed to Ziva indicating he needed help while at the same time lifting the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, Gibbs," he answered, walking away from Ziva to gain a little privacy.

"Gibbs, Leon here, just touching base with where things are at," said Lean Vance as he settled into his chair for a chat.

"Might need to get you to call me back Leon," replied Gibbs, grabbing his jacket from the back of the sofa. "We're just heading out for dinner. Can you call back in about 2 hours?"

"Yeah, should be fine Gibbs. There's nothing urgent," said Vance.

"Ok, talk later then," confirmed Gibbs, hanging up and replacing the cell to his pocket.

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