A Shock Phone Call

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Chapter 19 - A Shock Phone Call

As the early morning light slowly penetrated the darkened room, Jenny opened her eyes. Glancing at the clock and seeing it was only six thirty, she smiled smugly to herself.

"I saw that smirk," commented Gibbs lazily. "What's making you feel so happy this morning?"

Rolling over to face him, she stretched out her arm and ran her fingers through his hair.

"It's Monday morning, it's six thirty and I don't have to get up for work," she said, still grinning.

"Yep, that's certainly worth smiling about," agreed Gibbs tracing his finger gently over her lips.

"Not to mention that we are currently child free," she added seductively as her hand moved from his head and back under the covers to rest warmly on his chest.

"Mmmmm...that we are," agreed Gibbs, raising his eyebrows as her hands moved downwards. "Any suggestions on what we could do?"

"Well, if you can't figure that one out by now....," she said, her hands now pulling at the elastic of his boxer shorts.

"Oh, I think I'm getting the picture," he said, shifting slightly so she had easy access to remove the cotton barrier between them.

"And you said I was a fast learner," quipped Jenny, tossing his shorts over the side of the bed.

Making quick work of removing her own clothes and throwing them haphazardly to the floor, Jenny turned back to Gibbs and, grinning hungrily, climbed on top of him effectively trapping him under her, while she kissed him passionately.

As Gibbs moved his hands down her back and finally gripped her hips, she lifted herself slightly until she felt the sweet fulfillment of penetration. Moving as one, muscles tightening as the waves of pleasure intensified, hands eager to touch and explore, she felt her body begin to slip through the realms of reality as Gibbs thrust deeper into her. Lifting her upper body so she could now straddle him, she moaned as one of his hands found her breast and began its torturous kneading and pinching while the other trailed its way lower until it found her core, stroking the throb of her very existence. Trying to reciprocate but swept away by the intoxicating sensations that were consuming her mind and body, she thrust her head back and succumbed to the overwhelming explosion within her. Feeling Gibbs surrender his own climatic ecstasy, she slowly came back to earth and leaned down to kiss him once again as Gibbs, panting slightly, lay spent underneath her.

They lay together, locked in each other's arms and completely sated from their love making. With Jenny's head now resting on his chest, Gibbs absentmindedly played with hair, while his other hand scratched gently along her back. They had almost drifted off to sleep again, when the whisper of childish voices and the thump of feet touching the floor, had them instantly awake and alert.

Springing out of bed, Gibbs began a frantic search for his boxers. Finding Jenny's top, he flung it over to her while she quickly slipped it over her head.

"Where the hell did you throw my shorts?" asked Gibbs, his voice raised in slight panic.

"Shhh!" whispered Jenny. "Over there somewhere. I don't know, I wasn't that interested in them once I'd got them off you."

Scanning the floor, Jenny saw one leg of her sleep pants sticking out from under the bed. Bending down to grab them, she quickly looked under the bed and saw Gibbs' boxers lying next to his night stand.

"Jethro!" she whispered loudly, trying to get his attention. "Over by the nightstand."

Turning so quickly he nearly gave himself whiplash, Gibbs spotted the cotton boxers and had just managed to get one leg in when he heard footsteps in the hall.

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