Fallen Agent

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Chapter 28 - Fallen Agent

The rain fell heavily against the dirty window. Despite the constant contact, there was little hope the water would prove cleansing in anyway. Years of built up grease, smoke residue and dust, coated the glass making it near impossible for anyone to get a clear visual both into and out of the tiny inn.

Riley McCallister pulled his jacket closer to his body. Even in summer, Russia was cold. Squinting out the small window, he realized any chance of spotting the blonde woman was futile. He had already moved three times to secure a better view and felt that a fourth move would only attract suspicion. Most likely, every window would be the same anyway.

It had taken some time and careful undercover work to finally make contact with the elusive Svetlana Chernitskaya. He had to admit, having the Mossad officer, Miriam Belzer helping him had certainly made things easier. It was she in fact who had eventually located Chernitskaya and enabled him to organize this meet. Not without its conditions of course. The slight static buzz that was irritating his left ear was thanks to Belzer. She had insisted wiring him up for this meet, demanding she was privy to whatever information crossed the table that afternoon. He had agreed. What did he care if Eli David wanted Gibbs and Shepard dead. So did he. As far as he was concerned, it was a win win situation.

The rattling of the door had McCallister's eyes shooting towards the entrance. As he watched the tall, attractive woman encased in a luxurious white coat, scan the room briefly before setting eyes on him, he was in no doubt that this was Svetlana Chernitskaya.

Walking towards his table near the window, her high heels clicked noisily on the wooden boards. Reaching him, she bent slightly as if to offer a kiss in greeting. But it wasn't his cheek her lips brushed, but his ear.

"McCallister I presume?" Her voice was soft, husky with a slight hint of roughness often associated with years of smoking.

He gave a small nod in response.

Before standing, she continued her greeting by kissing each cheek and saying softly, "Not here, too exposed. Follow me."

Riley McCallister had to resist the urge to laugh. From what he'd been able to discern looking out the window, this spot was just as secluded as the corner she was now leading him towards.

Pulling out her chair, McCallister helped remove the beautiful white coat, before she sat and began removing the matching gloves. Making eye contact with a waiter, he ordered two Vodka's before taking the seat opposite Svetlana.

"We meet at last," began Riley. "I have been-"

"I have no time for small talk," interrupted Svetlana. "You have information for me, yes?"

Surprised by her abrupt approach but careful enough not to let it show, McCallister merely bowed his head slightly and said, "Yes"

"Good," she said, thankful she hadn't wasted her time. "I have five minutes."

The waiter placed the vodka shots on the table and left immediately. Picking hers up, Svetlana knocked it back quickly before placing the glass back on the table. Following suit, McCallister resisted the urge to cough as the sharp liquid burned the back of his throat.

"You are after the names of the undercover agents who shot your beloved Anatoly," began McCallister.

Her eyes stared into his and he quickly realized this was all the answer he was going to get. Obviously Svetlana didn't feel the need to affirm his statement. In her mind, it was obvious.

"So, you are prepared to exchange?" asked McCallister.

"If you mean the money then, yes, I have what you want," replied the blonde smoothly. Reaching into her purse, she brushed her fingers past a large, fat envelope ensuring the retired agent was able to see it before taking out a lipstick and applying this quickly.

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