The First Stage

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Chapter 21 - The First Stage

It was almost 12.30 when the Gibbs' family pulled up at a car storage depot. Having decided to put the car into long term storage, Gibbs and Jenny felt it would be better to meet Abby and Tim at a café only a mile away from the airport. Calling a cab, the four of them were soon stopped outside Carlo's Coffee Café awaiting Tim and Abby's arrival.

"This hair is itchy," complained Ziva, scratching at the blond wig.

"So's mine!" added Tony.

"I know guys," replied Gibbs. "But it's only until we clear customs in Australia, then you can take them off."

"But that's aaaaages away," whined Ziva. "And why did I have to wear this horrible dress? It's all lacy and itchy as well."

"Because it's something you wouldn't normally wear," reasoned Jenny. "We're all dressed up differently. I don't particularly like this skirt either and I'm sure Daddy's not thrilled with the tight jeans he has to wear."

Jenny glanced over at Gibbs and suppressed a giggle. Wearing tight blue jeans, an open neck polo and leather jacket, Gibbs, while not garish enough to draw attention, was definitely very 'un-Gibbs' in his attire. Resisting the urge to, once again, adjust his pants, Gibbs glared mildly at Jenny and was just about to give a smart ass remark when Tony suddenly said, "I think that's them now."

Looking towards the couple approaching, Gibbs could definitely understand why Tony had used the word 'think'. Tim, dressed in jeans, flannel shirt and cowboy boots, could almost have been recognizable if it wasn't for the flaming red hair which adorned his once sandy covered head. Looking quickly to Tony, who was dressed in a similar fashion right down to the ginger hair, Gibbs admitted they made a good pair as father and son. But it was Abby who was the most unrecognizable simply by her normality. Not a skerrick of black could be seen as she walked towards them, a blue calf length denim skirt swishing around her legs. Added to the white blouse and red cardigan, she easily blended into the crowd. She wore a sandy colored wig which bobbed around her neck line and the soft blue eye shadow and pale pink lipstick were the perfect accessories for creating a look that wouldn't draw attention.

"Hey guys," said Tim, as he and Abby reached the café.

"Hey," said Gibbs. Eying Abby as she stood next to him, he added, "Abbs, you shrunk!"

"Flats," replied Abby simply, indicating her shoes.

"Well we certainly don't look like us," remarked Jenny, still captivated by the difference in Abby.

"I know," groaned Abby. "I look like a freak!"

"No you don't, Abbs," replied Jenny. "And, as we were just telling Ziva, it's only until we clear customs in Sydney."

Giving a heavy sigh, Abby nodded. She looked over towards Tony.

"Hey James, you look terrific," she said, smiling at the eleven year old.

"Thanks Mom," he replied, playing the part perfectly. "Pity I got Dad's awful hair though," he added grinning at Tim.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with red hair," remarked Jenny indignantly.

"Yeah, yours is nice, this looks like a clown," argued Tony, flicking at the bright, red wig.

"Alright," said Gibbs, drawing everyone's attention. "I guess this is where we split up. We'll head into the café and grab some coffee and Tim, you call a cab and head over to the airport."

"Right Boss," replied Tim automatically.

"Tony," said Jenny, drawing the boy close and putting her hands on his cheeks. "We'll see you when we arrive in Sydney. Do everything Tim and Abby tell you and, at no time, are you to be by yourself. Do not wander off for any reason, understand?"

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