Meeting Grandpa Jack

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Chapter 11- Meeting Grandpa Jack

Gibbs sat bolt upright. The echo of the piercing scream was eerily audible in the dark, stillness of the room. As his mind registered the sound, he threw back the covers and was already at the bedroom door when a wailing cry sounded from Ziva's room. Only half aware that Jenny was right behind him, Gibbs ran down the hall, into his little girl's bedroom and flicked on the light. Next to the bed, arms hugged around her body, stood Ziva. A wild, terrified expression on her face, eyes large and fearful, body trembling and a wet puddle pooling at her feet.

Watching her carefully, Gibbs could see that she wasn't fully awake. Her eyes were glazed and stared blindly in front of her. Suddenly she crouched, covering her face with her hands, flinching from an unseen enemy. Her feet began to kick wildly, while she cried out, "Mommy! Help! Mommy!"

Turning to face Jenny, Gibbs said anxiously, "Go to her, she needs you right now."

Jenny approached gently, tentatively, as if she were approaching a wild animal that was injured. In some ways, she was.

"Ziva," she whispered softly. "Ziva, it's Mommy. You're having a bad dream."

This was repeated over and over as Jenny forced her voice to get slightly louder each time. On reaching Ziva, she sat down next to her and continued calling, reaching out very carefully to touch Ziva's back. Once she had established contact, she began rubbing calming circles, all the while, calling Ziva's name and reassuring her who she was.

Within a few seconds, although it felt like hours to Jenny, Ziva finally turned her head in the direction of the calming voice. Her eyes blinked, focus returned and she suddenly launched herself into Jenny's arms.

"Oh Mommy, Mommy," she cried as she clung tightly to Jenny's sleep shirt.

Wrapping her arms protectively around Ziva and holding her close, Jenny looked up at Gibbs.

"Jethro, can you run a bath please?" she asked quietly.

Without speaking, Gibbs nodded and left the room.

Jenny continued to cradle Ziva as the little girl slowly regained her bearings. Her heart was beating so hard, Jenny could feel it thumping against her own chest. Rocking gently, she whispered soothingly in Ziva's ear and continued to stroke her back and hair, calming her down and helping to settle her breathing.

"What's wrong?" ask a voice at the door.

Looking up, Jenny saw Tony standing in the doorway. Still half asleep, he swayed slightly as his eyes tried to adjust to the bright light.

"It's OK Tony," replied Jenny. "Ziva just had a nightmare. We're with her now, you can go back to sleep."

"Is she OK?" he asked groggily.

"She's fine Baby, off you go," said Jenny calmly. She hoped that Tony was groggy enough to just fall back asleep. As she watched him turn and head back down the hall, her attention fell to Ziva again.

"I wet myself," whispered Ziva. "I didn't mean it."

"Shh," soothed Jenny, "It doesn't matter. Daddy's running us a bath and we can soak and relax for a while."

Ziva didn't respond but continued sniffling into Jenny's chest. Her wet pyjamas were now soaking through Jenny's sleep pants and she worried that the little girl would get cold.

"Done," said Gibbs, standing in the door way. "Do you need any help?"

"I think I've got it," replied Jenny, bracing herself against the bed so as to help her stand while still holding Ziva. Finally upright, she felt Ziva wrap her legs around her waist and rest her head on her shoulder. Still rubbing the child's back, Jenny carried her into the bathroom.

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