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Chapter 46 - Closure

"I don't want to see a doctor!" argued Tony. "I'm fine Dad. I was in the basement the whole time."

"I know that Tony," replied Gibbs patiently.

The pair were currently sitting in the tree house. When the paramedics had insisted that Gibbs needed to be checked over, he had reluctantly followed. Now, having received the 'all clear', he had gone in search of Tony who had managed to quietly disappear.

"I'm not talking about seeing the paramedics or Ducky," explained Gibbs. "I'm talking about seeing a doctor that can help you with how you might be feeling. A doctor you can talk to about everything that's happened."

"You mean a shrink?" asked Tony, horrified. "No way! My Mom saw one of those once and he put her on these tablets and she spent all day sleeping and all night drinking."

Gibbs sighed.

"Tony, I don't know what happened with your Mom but it wouldn't be like that. I wouldn't let any doctor give you medication unless I thought it was necessary and, right now, I don't. But, I do think it would be a good idea for you to talk to someone about what's happened with Senior."

"Why? He's dead, nothing to talk about," replied Tony coldly. "If I want to spill my guts to someone, I'll decide when. And I don't want to do it now or anytime soon!"

Standing up, Tony made to leave but was soon intercepted by Gibbs who gently reached up and took the young boy's arm.

"Dad, please," begged Tony, unable to move away.

Without letting go of Tony's hand, Gibbs stood and lifted the boy's chin so they were looking eye to eye.

"I won't let this go Tony," said Gibbs firmly. "This is something that you need to face eventually. However, right now I will give you some time and space. But," and here Gibbs looked deeply into his son's green eyes, "I need you to promise me that if anything is bothering you, you will talk to someone about it. It doesn't have to be me or Mom, it can Abby, Tim, Ducky, anyone you feel comfortable with."

"Yes, OK," replied Tony, frustration evident in his tone.

As the boy turned to make his way to the tree house door, he suddenly stopped.

"When are we going to au - autospy?" he asked, facing Gibbs.

"Autopsy," correct Gibbs once again. "And I'll organise something with Ducky."

"OK," said Tony quietly, before turning around and slowly descending the ladder.


"Hey!" called Gibbs, catching Tim just before he entered the kitchen.

As the young man spun around at the sound, Gibbs gave him a stern glare before crooking his finger and beckoning him over.

"Yes Boss?" asked Tim, trying to sound nonchalant and failing dismally.

"Don't you think we need to talk?" asked Gibbs.

"Um...about?" questioned Tim.

Gibbs sighed. Either the kid was incredibly stupid or he was avoiding what he knew would be a lengthy and unpleasant conversation.

"Think about it Tim," suggested Gibbs.

Tim sighed.

"I guess," he said resolutely.

Rolling his eyes, Gibbs placed his hand on Tim's back and gently steered the young man into to the now deserted back yard. Grabbing a couple of chairs, Gibbs took a seat and indicated Tim should do the same. Once both men were seated, the older of the two eyeballed his youngest agent.

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