The Forgotten Knife

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Chapter 39 - The Forgotten Knife

Driving along the winding, forest road early Friday morning, Gibbs actually felt relaxed. Abby had safely arrived back in D.C and Tim had decided to stay in Charlottesville while he, Jenny, Jack and the kids went to the cabin. Understanding Tim's need to want a little alone time having just spent a few intense weeks travelling in a small camper van, Gibbs hadn't begrudged Tim the hotel room. They would be joining him later that evening and Tim has promised he wouldn't leave the room under any circumstances. Room service and cable TV were his only priorities right now.

It was midday by the time they reached the cabin. Having parked the cars a short distance away, the family had trudged on foot for a mile until the cabin came into view.

"Rustic," said Jenny wryly, spotting the cabin in the distance.

Gibbs elbowed her sharply and she laughed at the glare he was currently giving her.

"Wow, cool Dad!" exclaimed Tony, running up to the front door.

"At least someone appreciates fine craftsmanship when he sees it," quipped Gibbs, opening the cabin door and standing back while everyone entered.

"It's a fine cabin, Son," remarked Jack. "Will suit us perfectly, won't it kids?"

"Sure will," said Tony as he investigated each room. "Hey, there's only one bed in here."

He had just opened the door to what used to be Kelly's room.

"Well, either you and Ziva can take the double bed or one of you can share that with Grandpa," suggested Gibbs.

"Good idea. You and me Grandpa," said Tony pointing between himself and Jack. "We'll have the double bed."

"That OK with you Ziva?" asked Gibbs, looking around for the little girl. "Ziva?"

When there was no response, Gibbs took a quick look in the main room. It too was empty.

"Ziva!" he called loudly, spinning around and waiting for her answer.

When no reply was heard, he headed outside.


Looking around he suddenly spied her sitting on an old stump about 10 yards from the cabin. She was staring into the sky.

"Ziva Gibbs!" he called crossly, relief flooding his body as he stalked towards her. "Why didn't you answer when I called?"

She looked at him and shrugged before returning her attention to the sky.

Frowning, he followed her gaze.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"The sky," she replied.

"I can see that," he said, rolling his eyes. "Why?"

"Checking the time," she answered. "I used to be really good at telling the time by the sky. Judging by the sun, I'd say it is somewhere around noon."

Grabbing his watch, she checked it carefully.

"Yes!" she said with elation. "I was right."

"Hmmm," replied Gibbs, less than impressed. "Come on, inside."

He lifted her to the ground.

"Next time, answer me when I'm calling you OK?" he growled.

"OK," she said flippantly before skipping off towards the cabin.

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