A Shift in Thinking

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Chapter 4 - A Shift in Thinking

As Gibbs knelt on the floor, changing Douglas into a fresh diaper, he smirked to himself.

"Well Champ," he said to the infant, as he pulled the last tab around the chubby tummy. "It looks like you managed to achieve in one bellowing scream, what time-outs and threats had failed to do."

Thinking back, Gibbs couldn't help but smile again. Having listened as both Tony and Ziva gave their own over dramatic sides to the story, he quickly concluded that each child was equally to blame. And so, handing Tony an ice-pack for his arm, he sent him to the bottom step for a time-out and, once her knee had been quickly cleaned and a bandaid applied, did the same with Ziva, placing her at the kitchen table.

Once the time-outs were finished, he called both children to the living room, where he began the usual 'post time-out' lecture before asking each child to apologise to the other. Having watched Tony and Ziva begrudgingly perform the ritual, he was about to suggest they find something separate to do for a while, when the bellowing tones of Douglas demanding attention, drifted down the staircase.

Looking at each other, there passed an unspoken solidarity between the two children, before they turned back to Gibbs and said together, "Can we go outside again? Pleeeease!"

"We promise we won't fight," added Ziva desperately.

Although Gibbs immediately realised their only reason for going outside was due to an intense desire to escape the ear-splitting screams of a six month old, he relented none the less. Pleased that, for the time being at least, they were willing to co-operate.

Carrying Douglas into the kitchen, Gibbs sat him on the floor and handed him a set of plastic measuring spoons with which to play. They were looped together with a plastic ring and made a fairly good teething rattle. Toys were the one thing in which they were currently lacking but, without knowing exactly how long Douglas was staying, both Gibbs and Jenny were willing to compromise and adapt at this point.

"So Champ," began Gibbs as he opened the cupboard door where Jenny had stored the baby food. "What's it gonna be?" Looking at the first jar, Gibbs said, "Mashed pumpkin and sweet potato or," he looked at another jar, "Mashed banana and custard?"

Looking down at the plump baby who currently had the plastic spoons in his mouth, Gibbs grabbed the second jar saying, "I don't think you really care do ya Dougy. And anything's got to taste better than those spoons!"

As Gibbs prepared a mid morning snack for Douglas, the baby was happy enough to sit on the floor, suck on his spoons and babble occasionally when the mood suited him.

Before long, the banana custard was ready. Grabbing a plastic spoon from the draw and the tea towel they were currently using for a bib, Gibbs lifted Douglas to his knee and began to feed him.

"Well," began Gibbs, putting in the first spoonful which Douglas enthusiastically took. "I wonder what today will bring as far as finding out about your family."

Scooping up the leftovers from around the baby's face, Gibbs refilled the spoon and went in for the second mouthful.

"I mean, do you have a wife? Kids?" questioned Gibbs aimlessly, as he continued to feed the baby. "House with a mortgage?"

It was kind of ridiculous to think that the helpless baby currently sitting on his lap, was a Sergeant Major. Possibly served tours, probably married with children and more than likely owned a house and a dog.

Sighing, Gibbs chose to not think too hard about those possibilities, choosing instead to finish the bowl of yellow mush, before wiping Douglas clean again and heading into the living room.

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