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Chapter 2 - Douglas

"But, I don't get it," said Abby. "Tony killed Trentwood over three months ago."

"Shhh," warned Gibbs, glancing quickly towards the children. "Let's not mention names for the time being OK?"

"Sorry Gibbs," said Abby. "But like I said, Trentwood was killed over three months ago. This man has only been missing for what?" She looked at Jenny for clarification. "Two months?"

"Well, that's what Fornell said," replied Jenny. "He apparently went missing two months ago."

"Exactly," stated Abby. "So it can't be Trentwood."

"I agree Abigail," began Ducky, "Which is why I said it would seem he had a partner."

"But," began Abby.

"Jethro," interrupted Jenny, before Abby managed to work herself into a state. "Do you remember there being anyone else there that day?"

Gibbs looked towards Tim.

"No one around the front," he said. "Tim and I approached from the front of the property and the other two went around the back. We had already entered the house when we heard the shots being fired. I must admit, from that moment on I was more concerned about getting to To- the other two," he amended quickly. "You didn't see anyone did you Tim?"

"No Boss," replied Tim. "Just those two and Trentwood."

"And the other two never said anything about there being a second person?" asked Jenny quietly.

"No," answered Gibbs. "Not even when we got back to the hospital and made out the reports."

"Well, either he wasn't there on the day," concluded Jenny, "Or, somehow, he slipped out without being seen."

She looked at Gibbs. "Whatever the case, you and I need to get to Bethesda and interview Redding. We don't know how much time we may have."

"Yeah," said Gibbs, standing up. He turned to Abby. "Abbs, can you take Tony and Ziva home please and get them settled. I don't know how long we'll be but there's a spare mattress under Ziva's bed or you can sleep on the couch."

"Sure Gibbs," replied Abby, standing to join him. "I'll stay for as long as you need me."

"Me too, Boss," replied Tim. "I'll duck home first and grab my laptop then join Abby at your place. I'll log into my old work profile and see what I can find out about Redding."

"Thanks guys," said Gibbs sincerely.

He walked over to where Tony and Ziva were sitting with Mrs Mallard. Crouching down, the others watched as he spoke to them quietly, explaining what was going to happen. Completely unaware of the drama surrounding them, both children said goodbye to Mrs Mallard and joined the circle of concerned onlookers.

"What's going on?" asked Tony, noticing the serious faces.

"Nothing Kiddo," replied Abby cheerfully, "Other than you two having a movie date with me!"

She smiled warmly at them, before putting her arm around Tony's shoulder.

"How about we stop by the DVD rentals on the way and you and Ziva can pick something out to watch?" she suggested.

"Cool," said Tony grinning widely. "Gee, this night's turned out heaps better than I thought. Mrs Mallard is so much fun to play with and now we get a movie!"

"Alright then," began Gibbs briskly, looking down at the two children. "Now, be good for Abby, and Mom and I will be home as soon as possible. If we're not home by the time the movie finishes, you need to go to bed. No fussing OK?"

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