Preparations to Return

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Chapter 42 - Preparations to Return

"Alright Tony, hopefully we'll see you tomorrow or the next day," said Gibbs. "You be good and do as Grandpa says."

"I will," said Tony. "Can't wait to see you both again. Love you."

"Love you too," chorused Jenny and Gibbs.

Disconnecting the call, both adults simultaneously let out a heavy sigh. It had been good to talk with Tony as it had managed to calm them both down a little. But now, left with nothing but the silence, the fear and anger slowly rose again.

Hearing a soft sniff next to him, Gibbs looked at Jenny. A small tear was tracking down her cheek and, as he looked closer, he could see several more following in its wake.

Reaching out, he touched her arm gently.

"Jen?" he said softly.

Letting out a frustrated groan, Jenny lifted her arms to her face and, using the heels of her hands, rubbed at her eyes, clearing the tears. Sniffing again, she blinked a couple of times and wiped her nose.

"What it is?" he asked.

She looked at him as if he had gone mad.

"What do you think?" she snapped back. "We could have lost our little girl today. All because she has some twisted idea that it's her duty to be responsible for her Father's actions. Seriously Jethro I don't know who I'm more angry at right now. Ziva for running away to fulfill some misguided mission of honor or Eli for giving her the idea she was capable of carrying it out in the first place. I mean who does that to their child?"

"Someone who has no sense of compassion, empathy or conscience, someone who's narcissistic, controlling...basically a low-life bastard," concluded Gibbs.

Struggling to find the right words, Jenny closed her eyes and tried to block out what Jack had just told them.

"Jen," said Gibbs, taking her hand and entwining his fingers through hers. "She's safe."

He said the words gently, pressing his forehead against hers and attempting to make eye contact.

"She's safe," he repeated firmly.

Allowing her emotions to release, Jenny pulled her hand out of his and gripped his shirt. Burying her head in his chest she began to sob.

Gibbs wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly. He knew this was more than just Ziva. She was releasing pent up anxieties and emotions that had been building for days. Jack's news had just tipped the scales. However, he also knew they still had a job to do.

Cupping his hands around her face, he lifted her head and kissed her lips softly.

"Come on Jen," he said encouragingly. "We need to finish up here and get back to D.C. There's still more to be done."

"I know," she groaned angrily into his chest. "I just hate this. It's all my fault. This should have been finished eight years ago and we'd only have to focus on Eli and Senior."

"Jen, you had your reasons," said Gibbs firmly. "Reasons we still need to investigate. Yes, you should have come to either me or Decker but, the fact is, you didn't. So now we deal with it."

He lifted her chin.

"We are dealing with it," affirmed Gibbs. "Look in there, Jen." He turned her to face the diner. "We just took out five men who were murdering scumbags."

She gave a watery smile at his terminology.

"Five down, three to go. We're passed half way," he added smirking slightly.

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