Heading South

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Chapter 25 - Heading South

Eli David sat back in his leather recliner. Five days had passed since Rosen's body had been brought back to Tel Aviv. Five frustrating days. Despite numerous spies in various countries, he had not heard a single word on the whereabouts of Gibbs and, of course, Ziva.

Interlacing his fingers and placing them on his chin, Eli was beginning to realise this mission was becoming just as much about seeking revenge on Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs as it was about finding his daughter. If fact, if he were completely honest with himself, killing Gibbs had almost become an obsession. How dare that man even think he could outwit Eli David, Director of Mossad. Gibbs' arrogance in believing he was the better man, was gnawing away at Eli like a dog with an old bone.

Three days ago he thought he was gaining an upper hand. But no, it was yet another dead end. Not to mention the wasted resources in sending an Officer to Alaska.

Steeling himself against the rising temper he could feel within him, Eli closed his eyes and breathed deeply. This was not over by any means. With Officers working undercover in as many countries as he could afford, he would hear something soon.

The knock at the door startled him for a second but, he immediately composed himself and, picking up a pen to feign working on a report, called, "Enter!"

As the young officer entered, Eli looked up casually and waited patiently for the man to speak.

"Director, forgive me for the interruption. We have Officer Belzer on satellite. She had news concerning the American, Gibbs."

"Ah, good tidings you bring then Officer Metz," said Eli, sitting up and giving the young man a rare smile. "I shall be there immediately."

With a curt nod, Officer Aaron Metz stepped back and silently left the room.

Eli stood. His heart was racing, his breathing had quickened. He paced in front of his desk, willing his body to not betray his thoughts. Several deep breaths later and he was ready to face whatever Belzer had to say.

Standing in front of the large screen, he watched as Belzer came into view. She was a good Officer, not as good as Ziva of course, but then, no one ever had been able to equal Ziva.

"Director," Belzer began. "My undercover work with the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation has been fruitful and I have heard whispers concerning your Agent Gibbs."

"Go on," encouraged Eli. His casual stance and monotone voice was in stark contrast to the quickened thumping within his chest.

"A retired American NCIS Agent has been reportedly asking questions regarding the assassination of Anatoly Zukov in Paris in 1999. Zukov originally worked as a hitman for the KGB but later became an arms dealer and assassin for hire. The Russians have no proof, but suspect his assassination was the workings of undercover Agents from NCIS."

"The retired Agent's name Belzer?" asked Eli, although he already knew. Yes, he knew exactly where this was going.

"Riley McCallister" replied the Officer.

Eli used all his self control to appear unaffected by the name he knew from years ago. McCallister had orchestrated a hit on Zukov in the early 1990s but, right from the start, Eli could see that this mission was a farce. McCallister's true intent was to have new recruit, Leon Vance, killed. Stepping in, Eli had helped the young NCIS Agent, saving his life and thwarting McCallister's plans. What he hadn't known was the organizing of a second mission by NCIS to kill Zukov in 1999. While he had been informed of the Russian's death, he hadn't realized it was at the hands of NCIS.

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