Exploring the Bollards

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Chapter 36 - Exploring the Bollards

As Gibbs and Jenny exited the front office, forms in hand and an agreement to meet back at 3.00pm, they were surprised to see Tony running to greet them.

"Hey Bud," said Gibbs cheerfully. "Don't tell me you've found an even better van!"

When Tony didn't reply, but flung himself into his Dad's arms, Gibbs became worried. Handing the forms to Jenny, he reached down and lifted Tony up. The boy immediately wrapped his arms and legs around Gibbs and snuggled into his shoulder.

"Hey Buddy," said Gibbs tenderly, rubbing soothing circles on Tony's back. "What's up?"

"Are we safe Dad?" The words tumbled out quickly, unedited and raw, demanding an immediate answer.

Gibbs and Jenny shared a look of concern.

Gripping Tony tightly and giving a quick squeeze, Gibbs asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are we safe," repeated Tony, pulling back and making eye contact with his Dad. "Ziva thinks her Abba is going to find us and hurt us. Is that true?"

Frowning, Gibbs looked around quickly and indicated to Jenny that they should step into the closest van. Doing so, Gibbs sat down on the double bed with Tony still in his arms. Arranging the boy so he was sitting on his lap and facing him, Gibbs took a deep breath.

"OK Tony," he said calmly. "Let's start again. Why do you think we may not be safe?"

"Because Ziva said her Abba could be really sneaky," said Tony clearly. "She said he will find us and hurt us all. And she said it would be her fault."

"When did she say that?" asked Jenny, stepping closer to Tony and Gibbs.

"Before when we were in the other van," replied Tony. "She was sitting on one of the bunks and she was asking me if I thought we were ever going home and I said yes, when Senior and her Abba had been caught and she said that would never happen. Then she said her Abba was really sneaky and he would find us and hurt us and it would be all her fault."

Tony took a deep breath. His words had tumbled out quickly almost as though speaking them quickly would help them seem less real.

"I think it's time for a family conference," said Gibbs, standing up and setting Tony on the floor. "Come on. Let's go and find your brother and sisters and have a chat."

Putting his hand on Tony's shoulder, Gibbs led them out of the van and towards the camper-van they were renting. On entering, he found Tim and Abby sitting at the kitchen table reading the different instruction manuals for the various hi-tech equipment that came with the van.

"Where's Ziva?" asked Gibbs as Abby and Tim looked up.

"In the back bedroom I think," replied Abby.

Quickly making his way down the passage, Gibbs found Ziva lying on the queen sized bed. She was on her back and staring at the ceiling.

"Hey Pumpkin," he said softly as he entered the room.

He leaned over the bed and scooped Ziva into his arms.

"Time for a family conference," he said briskly as he turned and headed back to the table.

Once everyone was seated at the table, Gibbs began.

"OK, we need to have a chat," he said. "Tony just told me that Ziva is worried Eli might be on his way to Australia to find us and hurt us."

He did miss the look that passed between Ziva and Tony. Ziva obviously hadn't meant for everyone to know this.

"Ziva, Tony came to me because he is worried that what you said might be true," said Gibbs. "He did the right thing."

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