Plan, Plans, Plans

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Chapter 40 - Plans, Plans, Plans

By mid-afternoon, Gibbs and Jenny really had no excuse to stay any longer. Gibbs had already fetched the car and driven it to the clearing near the cabin, enabling a quick exit knowing neither he nor Jenny would have the emotional strength needed to walk that mile back to the initial parking spot. They were already dreading the four hour car journey back to Charlottesville but, having to say goodbye to their children was a task beyond dread. It almost seemed inconceivable that in only a few short minutes, they were going to kiss their children farewell for who knows how long, hop into a car and drive away towards an unknown future from which either of them may not return.

Sighing deeply, Gibbs rubbed his thighs and stood up from the table.

"Oh well, this isn't going to get any easier," he said, taking Jenny's hand helping her to stand.

Hearing Tony and Jack laughing outside, Gibbs smiled. This time with his Dad would do Tony the world of good. Jackson Gibbs was a natural born father, mentor and teacher. Tony couldn't ask for a better role model. Gibbs was confident Jack would make every effort to distract the boy while they were gone and make this little adventure as fun as possible.

Opening the cabin door, he saw Jack and Tony threading the rods with fishing line. Ziva was sitting close by, drawing pictures in the dirt with a stick.

"Going fishing huh?" asked Gibbs as he took in the scene.

"Just showing Tony here how to thread a rod and sharing with the children a few of your first camping attempts," replied Jack dryly.

Tony giggled and looked at his Dad.

"You really tipped a whole can of kerosene onto an already lit fire?" he asked, trying his best to hide the smirk and failing miserably.

"Well, Grandpa said he wanted to see the fire roaring by the time he returned from a visit with nature," defended Gibbs. "So I thought I'd use the can of kerosene in the back of the truck to hurry things along."

"He did that alright," quipped Jack. "The loud explosion had me running from the woods so quickly, I'd forgotten to pull up me strides. Fell into the camp site, face first with my bare butt on display for all the world to see."

Tony guffawed loudly, picturing the scene perfectly.

"Yeah, well your butt wasn't the only one bared that day," remembered Gibbs wincing at the memory. "I remember your belt doing a lot of talking pretty soon after you'd picked yourself up!"

"You spanked Dad with a belt Grandpa?" asked Tony, slightly shaken by the revelation.

"Sure did Tony," admitted Jack, recalling how scared he'd been at seeing his only child standing in a cloud of smoke with his hair and eyebrows singed.

"Did you make him bleed?" asked Ziva eyeing her Grandpa warily for the first time.

Suddenly remembering what Gibbs had told him when he first met the children, Jack softened his tone.

"No Darlin'," he said gently, pulling Ziva towards him and wrapping his large hand around her waist. "I might have left some red marks as a reminder but that's the way it was back then. He was back to sittin' normally by the next day."

"Daddy only ever uses his hand when he spanks us, and that's way hard enough," she said with authority, shuffling her feet uncomfortably and leaning into Jack's side. "He doesn't spank us bare either," she added for good measure.

"I know," said Jack smiling at both children. "You've got nothing to fear. Your Daddy's the only one who does the spankin' around here. If either of you does something that warrants a red bottom, he can deal with you when he gets back."

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