Getting Set Up for an Adventure

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Chapter 22 - Getting Set Up for an Adventure.

"But I don't get it Mommy," said Ziva as Gibbs and Jenny led her through customs. "We left America on Monday and we only had one sleep. So why is it Wednesday and not Tuesday?"

"Because of the time zones," replied a very weary Jenny. "Australia is seventeen hours ahead of us. So, as we flew over the Pacific Ocean we passed through some time zones and skipped time. It's just like the time difference between DC and LA except it's much longer."

"So what time is it at home then?" asked Ziva.

Checking her watch Jenny said, "Well, it's 8.45am Australian time and LA is seventeen hours behind that, and home is three hours ahead of LA which is fourteen hours all means..."Jenny sighed as she tried to get her brain to function.

"It's currently 18.45 at home," confirmed Gibbs as he steered the luggage trolley towards the terminal exit.

Jenny looked up at him and smiled, grateful for the information.

"But Mommy said Australia was ahead," argued Ziva. "If it's already the afternoon at home then why-"

"18.45 Tuesday," amended Gibbs. "It's 8.45 Wednesday here."

Ziva frowned in concentration.

"So, if it's still yesterday at home but it's tomorrow here then how-"

"Sweetie please," interrupted Gibbs, his patience wearing thin. "Can you just be quiet for a minute until we find the others?"

"But they won't have landed yet. You said we would land first," said Ziva.

"That was before our four hour flight delay," replied Gibbs. "The others landed two hours ago."

"But that's not fair!" grumbled Ziva.

"What's fair got to do with it?" asked Gibbs, frowning down at her.

"I wanted to be the first to land in Australia. You said our plane would be first!"

Ziva crossed her arms and scowled. Despite the length of the trip, she had barely slept. Jenny, having insisted Gibbs sleep due to the fact he would probably need to drive once they landed, had tried everything to relax and calm the five year old. But to no avail. As a result, both females were exceedingly over-tired and cranky.

"Ziva, we can't control flight delays," said Jenny, sighing tiredly. "Now please, just be quiet until we meet up with the others."

Not one to miss an opportunity to point out another's mistake, Ziva frowned and said stubbornly, "It's Natalie."

Seeing the look on Jenny's face, Gibbs lifted Ziva and placed her on one of the suitcases currently sitting on the trolley.

"Come on Miss Natalie," he said, emphasizing her name. "Let's take you for a ride."

Smiling from her new advantage point, Ziva managed to spend the next couple of minutes in silence.

Scanning the crowd as they made their way through the doors and into the arrivals lounge, Jenny was the first to hear the excited yells from her son.

"There they are!" screamed Tony, pulling away from Tim and running headlong into Jenny.

"Hey Baby," said Jenny softly, wrapping her arms around Tony. "It's so good to see you. I missed you so much."

She cupped his cheeks and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"I was only gone for a day," said Tony, grinning.

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