And Baby Makes Five

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Chapter 3 - And Baby Makes Five

Pulling into the drive-way, Gibbs shut off the engine and, taking out his cell, gave Abby a quick call.

"Hey Abbs, all clear?" he asked as soon as the line clicked open.

"Yeah," replied Abby. "They've been in bed for about twenty minutes and I haven't heard anything so hopefully they're asleep. Ziva was almost asleep on the sofa earlier so she should be out to it."

"Great, thanks Abbs, we're just coming in now. Ah, hang on a tick," Gibbs quickly amended before putting the phone on hold.

At the sound of movement in the back seat, Gibbs turned around to see Douglas suddenly begin to scrunch up his face. Just as he was about to reach back, an almighty bellow suddenly erupted from Douglas' mouth. His face became contorted and his legs pulled up to his chest while his little hands balled into fists.

"Oh no," said Gibbs. "I think he's regressing."

He'd barely got the words out before Jenny had leaped out of her seat and was opening the back door. Climbing over the toddler, she sat down before gently lifting him into her arms. Although Douglas still appeared to be in immense pain, her comforting arms seemed to soothe him a little and his screaming bellows were reduced to crying wails. Holding onto the child as best she could, Jenny tried to whisper soft, gentle words to the writhing toddler but it was having little to no effect.

Suddenly, her arms shifted. Where, a second ago, there had been flesh and movement, Jenny was now reaching into emptiness. In the split second it took to comprehend something was wrong, a heavy weight fell to her lap, which she instinctively grabbed and protected before it fell to the floor. Realising this was no 'it' but rather a very tiny Douglas, Jenny carefully lifted the crying baby and placed him over her shoulder. Watching as the pyjama bottoms and diaper fell to the floor, she patted Douglas' back rhythmically before looking at Gibbs and saying, "I think we're going to need that other packet of diapers, Jethro!"

"Ya think!" was all Gibbs could manage to say.

Five minutes later, with a newly diapered Douglas, the three of them made their way into the house. Just as Gibbs reached up to open the door, it was wretched out of his grasp and he was suddenly facing a very flustered Abby.

"Gibbs! What's going on? You left me on hold for like, ages!" she all but yelled at him.

"Oh Geez, sorry Abbs," apologised Gibbs, grabbing his phone and disconnecting the call. "We were a little distracted."

Pushing their way past Abby, Jenny and Gibbs entered the living room where Gibbs dumped the three bags he was carrying, on the floor while Jenny, still holding onto Douglas and bouncing him in her arms, took a seat on the sofa.

"I thought you said he was about two?" asked Abby, walking closer and taking a peep at the grizzling baby.

"He was, five minutes ago," replied Gibbs dryly. "That's what distracted us. Douglas had another regression."

"How old do you think he is now?" asked Abby, concerned. She had taken a seat next to Jenny and was trying to get a look at the baby's face. "He only looks about six months old," she added.

"Yeah, six or seven," agreed Gibbs. "Not very old anyway. And definitely won't survive another regression."

"Oh no," gasped Abby, jumping up and pacing the room in typical 'Abby' fashion. "We can't let him die!"

"I know that Abby," said Gibbs, slightly frustrated with her dramatic pacing as well as the helplessness of the situation. He sat down next to Jenny before saying, more calmly, "There's not a lot we can do except wait."

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