A Whole New Set of Plans

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Chapter 20 - A Whole New Set of Plans.

Arriving at the NCIS building by 12.30, Gibbs and Jenny rode the elevator straight up to the Director's office. There plan was to meet as few people as possible on the way.

"Hello Cynthia," greeted Jenny as she and Gibbs walked through to the reception area.

"Director?" exclaimed Cynthia. "We weren't expecting you until tomorrow."

"Just here for a meeting with Leon, Cynthia. Is he in?" asked Jenny, peering at the closed door to the office.

"Yes, I'll buzz you in," replied Cynthia.

As Cynthia hit the intercom and announced them, Jenny turned to Gibbs and said, "See, now that's how you are supposed to enter my office."

"Pfft," retorted Gibbs. "Where's the fun in that, Jen?"

Rolling her eyes, Jenny ignored him and opened the door.

Entering the room, they found Tim and Abby already seated around the desk. Leon Vance, a toothpick hanging out of the corner of his mouth, was sitting in the prime position. As Jenny and Gibbs entered, he stood and directed them to the two spare chairs in front of the desk. Taking a seat, they couldn't help but notice the strained atmosphere. They had no idea how long Abby and Tim had been waiting, but they were fairly sure, it had been done in silence.

Looking across towards Abby and Tim, Jenny gave them both a reassuring smile. Even just that small gesture was enough to calm their nerves and both Tim and Abby visibly relaxed.

The five of them continued to sit in silence, each waiting for the other to speak. When the silence became too much to bear, Gibbs finally exclaimed, "Well somebody start talking! We'd like to catch the last flight out of here tonight."

"There's really not a lot for me to say Gibbs," began Vance coldly. "From where I'm sitting, I seem to be the only one not clued in to this little charade."

When no one objected, Vance took the silence as agreement.

"So, how about one of you fills me in?" he said, intonation edged with sarcasm.

Gibbs and Jenny looked at each other. After a few seconds of non verbal communication, Gibbs took a deep breath and began.

"Back in April of this year, we were working on the Trentwood case. Having received a tip regarding his whereabouts, myself and the team headed out to the property."

As Gibbs poured out the story of the initial regression, the others kept quiet. There was no need for elaboration; Gibbs was doing a thorough enough job on his own. Vance listened as Gibbs spoke, initially with an impassive expression but, as the tale progressed, his face became more and more animated. The others could see the disbelief filling his whole being. He was obviously dying to ask questions, but restrained until Gibbs had disclosed the whole story.

During the sections of story where the fake IDs were created, Abby added small tidbits of information and, after nearly twenty minutes of non stop talking, Gibbs finally reached the end, saying, "Which is why we're here, Leon. We need to change our plans immediately in order to keep the kids safe."

Once again, silence filled the room. Vance looked from one person to the next. Jenny, sitting with one leg crossed over the other, worry etched on her face. Next to her, Gibbs, calm and controlled, determination oozing from his rigid body. Then there was Abby, sitting with one leg tucked under her, head down and picking furiously at her fingernails. And, finally, Tim, nervous and not really knowing where to look, it was difficult to tell if he was worried or simply petrified by what he may be asked to do next.

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