Putting Plans in Place

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Chapter 6 - Putting Plans in Place

It wasn't until Wednesday afternoon that Gibbs got the call from Ducky to say that Brigette had finally finished testing the serum.

"So, what's the verdict Duck?" asked Gibbs. He had just managed to put Douglas down for a nap and was now sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee.

"Well Jethro," began Ducky. "It is what we expected I'm afraid. There is no reversal on the serum. Tony and Ziva will grow normally from this point on and will have no memory of their former adult lives."

"And Dougals?" asked Gibbs, taking a sip of the hot brew.

"Well, for him it's what we first thought Tony and Ziva had been hit with," replied Ducky. "He will continue to grow normally over the next eighteen months and then he will regrow to his former age, plus the eighteen months he would have missed."

When Gibbs didn't respond, Ducky felt the need to fill in the silence.

"I'm sorry Jethro. I wish the news could have been better for you," he said sympathetically.

"Ah, it's fine Duck. I'm actually pleased for Tony and Ziva," said Gibbs, standing up and looking out the patio door for any sign of the two children. "It just means that we will need to implement their new identities. Keeping Eli and Senior clueless will be the challenge now."

"Yes," agreed Ducky. "I'm afraid I don't fancy your chances there Jethro."

"No, me neither," replied Gibbs grimly. Suddenly spotting Tony and Ziva in the middle of a game of tag, Gibbs smiled and took a seat at the table again.

"So, family meeting here tonight at 9.30 if you can make it Duck. I want to go through the plan Jen and I have put in place so everyone is on the same page," said Gibbs. "Sorry for the lateness, but I need Tony and Ziva in bed."

"Yes of course Jethro," agreed Ducky. "No problem at all. I'll make sure I'm there."

"Thanks Duck," said Gibbs. "Oh and thank Brigette for me will ya?"

"I will," replied Ducky before hanging up.

Gibbs then spent the next ten minutes making calls. Having rung Jenny first to fill her in on what Ducky had said, he then called Abby and Tim to make sure they could make it that evening. When he finally hung up after speaking with Tim, Gibbs put his head in his hands and allowed the information to really sink in.

So, this was it, he thought to himself. He was now the proud father to two children, not just for two years but forever.


Gibbs allowed the word to roll off his tongue. There was a part of him that still grieved a little for the adult Tony and Ziva he once knew. His smart ass Senior Field Agent, who instincts he trusted with his life, despite the childish and often annoying ways he went about things. And the stubborn, strong-willed Mossad Officer, desperately seeking approval, not that she would have ever admitted to that.

Yep, he thought, he would miss them. But, knowing he now had a chance to rewrite their futures? On one hand, he felt relieved and excited but on the other, it terrified him. What if he screwed up? What if he did a worse job than their previous father's had? Surely not, he thought to himself.

Running his fingers through his hair, he wondered what the future would bring for Tony and Ziva. No longer locked into their former lives, he realized they could do and be anything they wanted. The whole world was at their feet. Would Tony still feel the urge to join the police force? And what about Ziva? With no father pushing her into Mossad, just what was she going to do with her life? So many unanswered questions. Their whole lives lay stretched out before them. It was almost a like a release. A brand new start, for all of them.

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