A Deadly Plan

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Chapter 18 - A Deadly Plan

Despite her earlier fears, Ziva thoroughly enjoyed her salon experience. As the family stepped into the store, Ziva looked around and took in her environment from the black chairs that swivelled, to the posters on the wall.

"Hey, I've been in a place like this before," she said, as she looked at the customer in the far right corner who was currently having her nails painted.

Turning to Jenny, she said, "Remember that time we had the boy's and girl's weekend? We were in a place like this when we got the phone call that Timmy had broken his arm."

"Yes, of course," exclaimed Jenny. "I'd completely forgotten about that. But, yes, you're right. That was a salon just like this, only a little bigger of course."

"Yeah, but you didn't call it a salon. You called it the Beauticians," reminded Ziva. "That's why I didn't get scared that time. I didn't realise that a salon was the same thing. Abba made it sound so dark and scary."

"Your Abba made many things sound dark and scary, Honey," said Jenny crouching down to her level. "Now do you believe us when we say you are safe here?"

"I think so," replied Ziva. "I still want Tony to go first though. He doesn't seem worried about it, so it must be OK."

While Jenny was chatting with Ziva, Gibbs quietly pulled Stella aside and gave her a quick heads up about Ziva fears. Without going into too much detail, he explained briefly how Ziva had been lied to and that those lies had left her with an irrational fear. Nodding her head and smiling, Stella promised she'd make sure Ziva had the best experience.

And what an experience it was. Having watched Tony sit in the chair, laughing and chatting with Stella as she quickly cut his hair with a small pair of scissors, Ziva soon realized that this experience was not going to be anywhere near as horrible as she had first thought. When Stella had finished cutting, she rubbed some special stuff on her hands and worked it through Tony's hair before carefully drying with a hair dryer. She then lowered the chair and Tony jumped off. His hair was short again and the gel was making it stick up in interesting places.

"Very handsome," complemented Jenny as Tony made his way to the waiting area.

Tony smiled then turned to Ziva.

"It didn't hurt a bit," he whispered to her. "And look what Stella gave me?"

Opening his hand, he showed her the two wrapped candies and the bright green balloon he had been concealing.

"She didn't cut you at all?" asked Ziva, looking carefully at Tony's head.

"Nah, not at all. It actually feels really nice and relaxing," said Tony. "Go on, it's your turn. I bet you enjoy it. Most girls do."

Smiling shyly, Ziva let Jenny lead her to the black chair at the far end of the room. Taking a seat, she watched as Stella made her way behind her.

"Welcome to my magic chair," said Stella cheerfully.

"Why is it magic?" asked Ziva.

"Because it can go up and down without me even touching it," replied Stella. "Now hold on, and I'll let the chair take you on a journey."

Grabbing the arm rests, Ziva jumped a little when the chair suddenly moved. Taking it higher than necessary, Stella smiled as Ziva slowly ascended until her head was just above Stella's.

"Look at me Mommy," called Ziva, giggling as she looked around her. "I can fly!"

Laughing, Stella slowly lowered the chair until Ziva was able to reach the floor again.

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