Still Haunted by the Past

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Chapter 17 - Still Haunted by the Past

Pulling into the garage, Gibbs cut the engine while Tony and Ziva quickly unbuckled their seatbelts and raced into the house.

"You ok?" asked Gibbs turning to look at Jenny.

"Yeah," she said. "Just a bit nervous I guess. You know, meeting your father for the first time, especially since he knows our background."

She looked tentatively at Gibbs.

"Trust me Hon, you have nothing to worry about," said Gibbs, patting her leg. "It was me he thought was the idiot not going after you."

Climbing out of the car, Gibbs walked around to Jenny's door and opened it for her. Grabbing the pizzas, the two of them headed through the internal door and into the kitchen.

Jack was seated at the table listening attentively to Tony and Ziva as they filled him in on all the details of the afternoon. As Gibbs walked past him to put the pizzas on the bench, Jack turned and, spotting Jenny as she walked through the door, stood, smiling widely and offered his hand to her.

"Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet the woman who has managed to awaken Leroy's heart," he said, taking Jenny's hand between his own and squeezing it warmly. "I thought he'd never find love again after Shannon. I'm very happy to be proven wrong."

Looking into Jackson's sparkling blue eyes, Jenny couldn't help but fall instantly in love with the elderly gentleman.

"It's lovely to finally meet you too, Mr Gibbs," replied Jenny, blushing from the warm welcome.

"Jack, please," admonished Jack. "None of this Mr Gibbs. That was Leroy's grandfather."

As Jack let go of her hand, Jenny continued smiling, a little lost as to what to say next.

"So Jenny," continued Jack, not allowing for any awkwardness to continue. "Are you a coffee drinker like Leroy, or would you like a cup of tea."

"Coffee sounds wonderful, Jack," replied Jenny, taking a seat at the table.

"Grandpa, come and see the brooch we bought Mommy?" demanded Ziva, as Jack began to pour three mugs of coffee.

"Hang on Missy," said Jack. "Let me get these on the table before you start bossing me around again."

Jenny laughed.

"Been throwing her weight around has she?" she asked, grinning at the offended look on Ziva's face.

"Yep," replied Jack sighing, as he placed the mugs on the table. "All forty pounds of it!"

When Ziva planted her hands firmly on her hips and glared at him, Jack chuckled and scooped her up onto his lap.

"Now, don't you be giving me that look Missy, or I'll be sending you off to bed without any pizza," he threatened lightly.

"No you wouldn't grandpa," said Ziva, reaching up and kissing Jack on the cheek. "You love me too much."

Chuckling, Jack squeezed Ziva in a tight hug.

"You're right there my little darlin' " he said, kissing her on the head.

"OK everyone," called Gibbs. "Come and get some pizza."

Grabbing a plate, Tony scrambled to the bench eagerly waiting for a piece.

"Now, it was vegetarian for you right?" asked Gibbs, as Tony held out his plate.

"Daaad!" whined Tony. "As if!"

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