Shoes, Splinters and Spiders - Oh My

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Chapter 33 - Shoes, Splinters and Spiders - Oh My!

Poking his head in the van, Gibbs surveyed the area. Seeing Abby sitting at the table watching TV, he looked around for Tony and Ziva

"Hi Gibbs," greeted Abby cheerfully. "You coming in?"

"Where are the kids?" he asked, still standing in the doorway.

"Tony's in the shower and Ziva's in bed," she replied.

"Really?" Despite trying to not sound too shocked, Gibbs failed miserably.

"I am capable of looking after two kids you know!" retorted Abby, pretending to sound offended.

"I see," replied Gibbs, the pleasure evident on his face. "I guess we'll have to leave you in charge more often."

Abby pulled a face before asking again, "So are you coming in? You're letting in the cold air."

"Yeah, in a minute," said Gibbs quickly. "Jen and I need to call Vance. I was going to ask if you were OK with looking after everyone for a bit longer, but I see there's no need."

"Nah, we're good," replied Abby. "Tony and I are going to watch an episode of Magnum before he goes to bed. That's OK isn't it?"

"Sure," acknowledged Gibbs. "Tim's OK?"

"Yeah, he's been asleep the whole time."

"Alright then," said Gibbs, stepping out of the door frame. "I'll leave you to it. We'll just be in the car if you need us."

"Righto, Gibbso," replied Abby cheerfully.

Gibbs smiled at her and shut the van door.

"Everything OK?" asked Jenny as he pushed through the annex door and zipped it shut behind him.

"Surprisingly, yes," replied Gibbs.

They made their way to the hired car and sat inside. Turning on the engine, Gibbs put the heater on and allowed the warmth to penetrate the cold air that had quickly descended.

"You ready to do this?" he asked, turning to Jenny.

She didn't look at him choosing instead to stare out the window.

"I guess," she said quietly.

Taking her hand, Gibbs gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked at him then. Gave a small smile and took a deep breath.

"OK," she said, exhaling loudly. "Let's do it."

Taking back his hand, Gibbs flipped open his cell. Finding Vance's number he quickly typed a text, using the code word they had organised should Gibbs ever need to make contact. Pressing the send button, Gibbs put the phone down and the two of them sat in silence while they waited.

Despite expecting it, Jenny still jumped when the cell rang.

Laughing softly at her uncharacteristic nervousness, Gibbs flipped open the cell and pressed the speaker on.

"You've got me and Jen, Leon. It's on speaker," he answered,

"What's happened?" asked the obviously worried voice of Leon Vance.

"Nothing yet hopefully," replied Gibbs. "But there's something we need to tell you. We have a good idea who Natasha Lenkov may be."

Jenny was surprised that it took just over five minutes to tell Vance what she had told Gibbs. Five minutes and the last eight years of lies and deceptions were out in the open. How insignificant the lonely nights of fear and worry seemed when wrapped up in a few sentences.

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