Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not Phan

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Chapter 1 Dan 

I layed in bed still not wanting to get up. My life seemed to be getting worse these days. Would it ever get better? Well it could. Or it could get a lot worse. She could come back and tell me she loves me. Or she could come back and tell Phil she loves him.....

I looked at the clock. 1:00pm. I'd been awake all night since, I thought, I'd seen a girl outside my bedroom window. I could have sworn it was the one and only, Arista. But when I looked back again,s he was gone.

Surely I was going crazy. I was madly in love. I'd never felt this strongly about a girl before. Her long straight brown hair and loving purple eyes. And not to mention, She is a mermaid.

I sighed before pulling myself out of bed. I'd have to get up sooner or later. 

Once I stood up, I saw my computer sitting at my desk. It looked as if there was some dust gathering on it. I hadn't made a youtube video in 3 months now. I couldn't find abything to talk about. There was of course shit storms going on all over the internet, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a box of cereal. I poured it into my bowl and headed over to the couch to watch TV. I clicked it on, and the first thing that came up was the news. Phil must have been watching it earlier, because i hate news.

I was about to change it when the story caught my eye. "Young teen Cylvia Myers keeps calling the local police station about seeing a girl drowning in the local Bay." The news reported said. "Every night at 8:02 pm Cylvia calls the station and tells us about a girl drowning. She says she has brown hair a purple eyes and cant seem to get out of the water. Everytime police show up, Cylvia and the so called drowning girl are no where to be found." She told the rest of the story.

I quickly clicked off the TV. I noticed I was holding my breath and let out a deep sigh. That couldn't be my Arista, could it? She was the only girl I'd ever met with brown hair and purple eyes. But why would she be drowning? She was part fish....

I decided I'd check it out. At 7:30 i'd head down to the Bay to see if I see Cylvia or this so called drowning girl.


7:30pm The Bay

I made a stake out hiding spot in a bush by the opening of the peir. I was going to wait and see if there were an girls to be found. I opened a bag of chips I had to occupy myself while waiting.

As soon as I was about to open it, a girl with red shoulder length hair began walking down the dock with a dazed look on her face. In her hand she tightly clutched a cell phone. I knew this had ot be Cylvia.

Once she was a good 10 feet ahead of me I began following her. Finally, she reached the end of the peir and flipped open her cell phone. She called 911.

"Hello?? There's a young girl with purple eyes and brown hair drowning help!" She screamed into the phone before hanging up. I looked down at my watch, it was exactly 8:02, but there was no girl in the water.

Next thing I knew some girl came up from behind me and Cylvia and pushed her into the water. My jaw dropped, I really had no clue what was going on. I turned to see who her attacker was.

My jaw dropped even farther if that was possible. Her attacker was no other than my beautiful Arista, She was dressed in Black Leather atire, that was oh so tight. She wore a cocky smile on her face. Something about her eyes seemed... darker...

"Hello Daniel." She said with a seductive twist and a not so pleasant laugh.

Coming Ashore (Sequel to Washed away) Dan Howell & Phil Lester; Not PhanWhere stories live. Discover now