°I get by with a little help from my friends°

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~Juuzou's POV~

"Mr. Shinohara, he is awake!"

My eyes widened. The guy I looked up to, the one who took me in, he is finally awake from his coma. He has been in a vegetative state for a long time, and he is finally awake.

I hurried over to the hospital as fast as I could, and I hurried into his hospital room. I didn't need to ask where it was, I have visited here a lot before.

" Mr. Shinohara!" I chimed and went over to him. "Y-your awake! I was told you probably wouldn't wake up." I smiled and went over to hug him.

"He is still very weak, Juuzou." His wife said, she had tears in her eyes. Happy tears maybe?

"I'm sorry." I let go and sat in a chair beside his bed, he was smiling as I swung my legs back and fourth. "Sihinohara san, my boss said I could have today off!" I informed him.

"That's good Juuzou. I'm glad your okay and that you didn't get hurt." Shinohara said, I assume that he was having trouble talking.

"I fought through it!" I smiled widely to him.

Well, I spent basically the whole morning with him and his family. I was really happy to have Shinohara back!

While I was about to tell him what I have been up to while he was asleep, (Y/n) called me. "One second!" I chimed and answered the phone "Hey (Y/n)!"

"Hey Juuzou. I just wanted to call and check in on you. Any new cases that you have to work on?" I heard her voice over the phone.

"Oh, I don't know."

"What do you mean? Didn't you go into work?" She questioned and I heard her pacing around.

"No, I didn't. I'm at the hospital!" I chimed.

"What?! Juuzou what happened?" I heard her stop pacing and she seemed very worried.

I giggled slightly and explained to her why I was in the hospital.

"Juuzou, why didn't you just tell me that instead of having me worry? And can I meet him? He sounds like a pretty good person. I would like to meet the father-figure of my boyfriend." I could basically hear her smile, and I heard her start to pace again.

"Yeah! Would you like for me to come why you?" I asked and started to tug the stitches on my lip.

"I would love it if you did."

We said our farewells and hung up.

I opened up the door to the hospital room. "Shinohara San, I'm going to go pick my girlfriend up and come back, she said she would like to meet you." I smiled happily.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Good job." He smiled at me and then waved as I left.

~Le time skip~

I held (Y/n)'s hand as we both walked into the hospital room. "Shinohara San, meet my girlfriend, (Y/n)!" I smiled widely.

I saw (Y/n) smile, and I saw Shinohara smile.

"Hello there, (Y/n). I'm Shinohara." He said and (Y/n) walked up to Shinohara to shake his hand. "My family is in the cafeteria, getting food." He informed us both.

(Y/n), Shinohara and I talked for awhile, I was glad they were getting alone though.

"Why have you had your hand on your stomach this whole time?" Shinohara asked my girlfriend. That's right, she always had her hand on her stomach, she didn't need to, but she wanted to.

She started to bite her lip softly. "Well-" I interrupted her.

"We are having a kid!" I smiled, obviously excited.

Shinohara's eyes widen. "Really? Congratulations! I wasn't ever expecting you to be a father, or would want to." He chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, he doesn't send like dad material." She started to laugh.

"Hey!" I acted offended as they were laughing.

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