°Golden Slumbers°

486 27 16

~Juuzous POV~

The next day was Saturday. I snuck up to (Y/n) with a big smile. "Hey! I have an idea! We could go rent a hotel room and have another sleepover! We could do it at the house, but I don't want us getting bothered by the kids. We spend a lot of time on those four; Larkin can stay here and take care if them. So, what so you say?"

She tapped her chin like she was thinking. "Yeah okay. We can do that." We both smiled and hugged each other.

So that's what (Y/n) and I did. We packed up some stuff for the night, and clothes for the next day.

We told Larkin he could invite Harmony over if he wanted. After that, he went. on his phone and I assumed he called Harmony. (Y/n) and I said goodbye to our children, then left.

When we got to the hotel, we set everything up. We made a pillow fort, and I made some food for myself. We brought a movie to watch, and some board games.

We played a game from America, the game of life. (Y/n) had to read me everything, since I didn't understand English.

We both had a lot of fun, just play ng and watching movies. We cuddled under our fort after playing the board game. It was getting really late at night, actually. "Juuzou, can we stay another night." She smiled. "I been having a lot of fun, and its making me happy."

I smiled and nodded. "Two day sleepover!" We both giggled and hugged each other. We watched this really funny movie, this really sad movie, and this really scary movie. Three movies in one night! The scary movie was an American movie named Annabelle. (Not even that scary, Juuzou!)

We laughed and talked as we both slowly fell asleep, awaiting the next day.

~Le time skip~

The second day of the sleepover, we decided to kinda go out in the town. We were in the 19th ward.

We went to this American store and I was so confused on what a lot of it was.

I picked up these things that were little tube things. I took it to (Y/n). "What's this? Why is there a string coming out. of this tube thing?"

(Y/n) started laughing and took it from me. "Juuzou, those are feminine hygiene products. In English it's pronounced tampon."

I shrugged and continued to look around. I got some American candy to try, and some other American stuff.

I was confused and shrugged it off.

We spent the whole day together, then went back to the hotel. We had got more movies to watch, and I got some food. We ate and laid in bed together.

I heard (Y/n) sigh. She had her shirt pulled up, showing her stomach. "Juuzou, I feel so fat."

I shook my head. "Your not fat at all! (Y/n) you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Your body is perfect, even if you have had 3 wonderful kids. You are stunning. I don't think your fat. Your body is perfect." I pecked her lips.

She smiled. "Thank you, Juuzou." She pecked my lips.

We both started to have kinda a 'war' going on. We kept pecking each other's lips, until she just started to kiss me. Kissing turned into making out, and making out turned into more.

I laid her down on her back, with me on top of her.

(Y/n) was smiling, and so was I.

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