°Late at night°

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~Your POV~

Well, I was thinking as Juuzou was driving to our location. I had no idea what he planning. I didn't even know if it was date.

The car came to a stop and I looked out the window. "This is the only that isn't a fast food place restaurant that's open at this time." He said and got out of the car.

The restaurant was just a simple diner, an American style diner. I guess he knew I loved American food.

I have been to America, but before I was captured. I was 12 at the time, I dint remember it much though. I would like to visit again, but the CCG is always keeping me busy. I had some money form the job, but I was saving for my own apartment. The apartments here are small, but it's okay, it'd just be me.

I was about to open the car door to step out, but Juuzou had hurried over and opened the door.

I smiled as he held his hand out for me to take. I did of course take it and held his hand as we walked in.

We sat down in our seat and a waiter came over. "What can I get you to drink?" He asked. We just got some green tea and he wrote it down and left. (Sorry if you guys don't like green tea, or any tea. But in Japan I know they drink that stuff like it's water!)

Well, nothing big happened during lunch.

Me and Juuzou got into his car and he looked at me. "So, I thinking. What about a late night movie? We could go to your room."

I smiled, and nodded. "I'd love to." He smiled and took my hand- he drove with the other.

We got there, we were the only ones, well except for the ones doing late night work.

We cuddled and held hands as we watched a movie.

I was so happy, happiest I've been in awhile.

I slowly started to fall asleep, but there was a feeling in my gut- something was wrong.

~Juuzou's POV~

I held (Y/n) tightly while I watched the movie.

I was so happy.

I stroked her hair softly as she fell asleep in my arms.

Once the movie was over, I laid covered her up with the cover. I kissed her forehead, then left to go home.

I got into my car, and I was just smiling the whole time on the way home. She was the best thing to ever happen to me.

I felt bad though, a sinking feeling in my gut. I ignored it though, probably just my imagination? I don't know.

I guess we will see.

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