°Its a love that'll last forever°

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Its The Beatles! Yes, this chapter title is The Beatles!
I been waiting to write this chapter for awhile now, I just haven't gotten to it, so here we are, chapter 58!

~Your POV~

It was the night before our wedding, and I was very nervous for the next day.

Juuzou and Larkin had just had dinner, but Larkin went to his room, he was smiling about something. Cosette had fallen asleep after I fed her. So it was just Juuzou and I.

Juuzou and I were laying on the couch together while we watched a movie. Juuzou had started to like American movies, as long as they were translated into Japanese. (I don't know if they actually do that. If bit, there's Japanese subtitles!)

I really liked the movie that was playing, it was the original Batman. (Literally the best.)

As we were watching, Juuzou randomly paused it at my favorite part. I looked at Juuzou, awkwardly. "Why did you pause it?"

He smiled and took something out of his pocket. "I got you something, and I want you to wear it tomorrow." He shoved the box in my hands.

I slowly opened it and saw a beautiful bracelet. (The one in the outfit of the last chapter.) It was silver and had Roman numbers on it.

I smiled widely. "Juuzou, it's beautiful."

He took it from me and slid it on my wrist, it fit perfectly. "I'm glad you like it!" He smiled widely.

I hugged Juuzou tightly. "I love you, Juuzou."

He hugged me back. "I love you too! Now, let's finish the movie, I've never seen it before." He let go of me and we continued to watch the movie.

After the movie, I went to bed while Juuzou stayed up a little longer doing something for work. He was trying to finish his work before the wedding and honeymoon.

I threw on my pajamas and got into bed. I started to think. 'Most people have kids after they get married, right? How'll we have kids? Juuzou said we would find a way. But even if I get pregnant, it's very risky. My body could mistake the baby for food and digest it. We could adopt, but I would want us to have a baby together. Its sad that the only way we had a kid is cause I was raped.' I let a sigh out.

I really shouldn't have been thinking like that the day before the wedding.

I frowned as I slowly started to fall asleep.

~Le time skip~

It was the next day. I woke up before Juuzou. I went to the bathroom and started to do my own hair an makeup.

I put some foundation and concealor on to hide blemishes as much as possible, then I put the powder on to set the foundation. I then started to do my eyebrows. (I have a thing for eyebrows. Oops.) I put some light blush on, then did my eye makeup. I finished the makeup off with some lipstick.

I then started to do my hair. I wasn't to good at hair, but I knew how to do some things. When I finished, I sprayed my hair with hair spray, to keep it nice.

I went to our bedroom to go get the dress. I noticed Juuzou was awake. "Hey, good morning." I smiled at him.

He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes. "Wow, you look great."

I blushed. "Thanks. Go ahead and get ready Juuzou, we gotta leave soon." I took the dress and shoes out.

Juuzou hopped out of bed and pulled out a tuxedo. He started to get undressed and we both got dressed.

Once I was done, I ran my fingers over the stitches Juuzou had made. I went to Cosettes room and got her ready. "Good morning little Cosette." She didn't wake up in a cry.

After that, Juuzou, Larkin, Cosette and I went to the court to fill the papers out.

The others got there before us, but that's what we were expecting.

We were told that if we had vow's to say them before the paper signing. We had both prepared our vows.

I went first. "Juuzou, I wanna start with a simple 'Ti Amo' which means 'I love you' in Italian. I am so happy we met, I really am. You have made me so happy, and I can never repay for that. I remember being trapped in that celler for years, wondering when I would just die. But you came and saved me. You gave me hope. You wouldn't let them kill me, you brought me in and taught me how to fight in the CCG. Juuzou, you saved me. You even stuck with me after we had a baby that wasn't yours. I am so thankful for that. I remember being pregnant and scared." I laughed slightly, but continued. "Juuzou, you've brought a light into my life, and I'm so thankful. I don't know how I'd ever Re-pay you. I'm so happy that we will be spending the rest of our lives together. Ti Amo, Juuzou Suzuya." I finished.

Juuzou was smiling widely and cleared his throat. "(Y/n), before I met you, I didn't even know what love was. I was insane. When we invaded that laboratory, I had no clue I'd find the love of my life. I'm so glad we had a child together, even if she does have dwarfism, we both still love her. I know you go through hard times in life, and I'm always here for you. I know a lot of times you don't think your good enough, but you'll always be enough. You make me so happy, and I'd do anything to keep you with me. You, (Y/n), your the best thing that's ever happened to me. You've impacted my life so much, and you've changed me for the better. I love you so much, and I'm glad you will now me (Y/n) Suzuya." He smirks that whole time.

I wiped a year away and then we signed the papers. I was now (Y/n) Suzuya. We then went outside and got some wedding pictures.

I was so happy.

I was happily married to the man I truly love.

Mrs. Suzuya, and Mr. Suzuya.

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