Scars and Burns

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*I haven't really have a blurb for this story yet but I will upload one when I can

- writers_dreams*

Chapter 1- That Was Close

I sat in the lounge room as I rubbed the infant which lays only centimetres below my skin to calm it once again. I began to drift off to sleep once more when I heard someone coming up the wooden stairs to the front door of the house. I went to stand to my feet to open the door for the uninvited guest when I heard keys rattle in the lock of the door, telling me that it was only Michael coming home from his shift at the WARF.

"Hi Jacky, I'm home!" He calls from the door whilst he kicked off his big steel cap boots and rests them at the door ready to be worn again. He stomped his feet down the hall to find his way to me.

"Where are you, darlin'?" He asked, as he stuck his head through each door between the front door and the lounge room. I replied with a blood curtailing scream as an extreme amount of pain shot through my core, making me fall to my knees and hands on the carpeted floor, which let Michael, and maybe even the neighbours, know my exact position in the house. He knelt beside me, rubbing my back to reduce the pain or calm me but neither was working.

"C'mon honey. We have to get you to the hospital," he calmly stated whilst trying to help me stand on my feet.

"Don't be stupid. My contractions are only... ARHHH!!" The pain showed its presents before I could finish. The pain once again took over my quaint little body making me fall back to my hands and knees. Michael, being the muscular man that he is, made the decision and picked me up bridal style, and carried me out to the car, without forgetting to pick up the pre-organised bag for the baby and myself. Going down the front stairs was quite challenging and frankly very dangerous but we managed to make it to the car without a scratch. During the drive to the Emergency Room, Michael made a point of calling ahead just to make sure I wasn't going to have this baby on the waiting room floor.

When we arrived at the hospital, there was a female nurse already waiting with a wheel chair, and dark circles under her eyes. Probably from her long shifts, I thought. After waddling over to the nurse with Michael's hand on the small of my back and his other hand enclosed in one of mine, I am finally seated in the wheelchair being wheeled off to the reception which sat an indigenous woman with dark, tight, small curls sitting perfectly on her cheeks and neck which enhanced her age, just like the wrinkles beside her eyes.

"Is this your first?" I nodded in reply to the receptionist. "What's your name, Sweetie?"

"Jacqueline Clark."

"How far apart are her contractions?" She diverted her attention to Michael, because what crazy pregnant woman keeps time of her contractions. Right now, I just want this baby out!

"About 2-3 minutes," he replies. This is confirmed by my heavy breathing changing to a loud heartbreaking scream due to the large amounts of pain in my abdomen. That urged the receptionist and the nurse to rush me straight to the maternity ward. When we arrived it was decided there and then that I would be having a caesarean due to my small frame and tiny hips. I signed the papers and we were off into surgery

*Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think so far!! :D*

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