Chapter 13- Transitioning

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*hi guys. lemme know what you think of my Chapters. sorry they have been short. I will try my hardest to make them long. To meet Narry (a friend of mine to hel me write these amazing chapters for you) check out my instagram @liveurdream98 or my twitter @liveurdreams98. Happy reading!!


Chapter 13- Transitioning

I sit up in the bed very quickly, duvet still draped over my legs, with my face drenched in sweat. Nightmares are never fun. After a few heart attack moments I realized that I was in Frizz's spare room, not home in bed beside Luke. Yesterday's events came crashing back like a wave through my mind. The realization of what had happened hurts more than you think. Bad day at the internship only to come home to a mess, and then make out with Luke which led to an argument with Luke. I then sat on the front step for three hours, drove to Frizz's place and broke down during a marathon of Jersey Shore. Happy birthday to me. But it is in the past now and I have to focus on today.

"CRAP!" I shout. I completely forgot about my internship at the publishing house. I got out of bed and start running around the room organizing my things.

"What wrong?" Frizz came running into my room, still removing the sleep from her eyes.

"I'm late," I tell her, still frantically running around like a chicken without a head.

"For what?"

"My internship."

"Girl you are like, two hours away, at the least. You won't make it. Just tell your boss what happened last night okay? I bet he will understand."

"She," I correct.

"Whatever. Just call her say you're not even in town. It was kind of a last minute decision because you had a fallin' out with Luke."

Why didn't I think of that?

"That's actually a good idea. Thanks Frizz. And sorry for waking you up," I say with one if the fake smiles you do when you do something wrong.

"And for that, I am sleeping here," She says walking over to the bed and once her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. Well I am just going to borrow some of your clothes, I think to myself. There is no way I am going back to that apartment to get my things. I might just go shopping later for some clothes. My style is a little out-dated at the moment so I think it is about time I fix that.

"I am just going to make that call," I tell Frizzy, although she was completely and utterly unconscious. I grab my phone from the pocket of my bag and leave the room, closing the door behind me.

"Hello Ava! How are you?" I say enthusiastically when she answers the phone, hoping she isn't in a bad mood.

"What do you want?" Ava says with her usual monotone voice. Phew, she's not in a bad mood.

"I had a rough night last night. Luke and I got into an argument and I am not in town and..." I begin to explain when Ava interrupts me.

"Amberiza, I am extremely busy right now, so whatever the fuck you want you better hurry up and cut to the chase." Well that caught me by surprise. She never swears unless she is under a lot of stress. I wonder if she has her stress ball in her hand.

"Can I take the day off?" It came out needier then I had intended.

"You can work from where ever you are. I will email you a few manuscripts to read over. You know the drill." Then she hung up. I shrugged it off, wishing it was just the stress she up was under and is just taking it out on me. I walked back down the hall to Frizz's room to find some clothes to borrow. She won't mind. I just hope we are still the same size. My hopes are praised when I exit the shower, slide the leggings up my legs and pull the oversized sweat shirt over my head.

As I brush my teeth with that spare toothbrush I found under the sink, still in its packaging, when my stomach decides that it is hungry. I walk into the kitchen and think about what I am going to have for lunch, as it is quarter to 12. I settle with a simple ham and salad sandwich. But I make a pretty mean sandwich.

As I take the first bite out of the snack I hear Frizz coming down the hall.

"Wakey, wakey, sleepy head," I tease.

Ignoring my comment, she says, "Are you gonna make me one?" Out of habit I grab the bread and begin to make her a sandwich. I know she was joking but in a few minutes she will begin to whine that she is hungry and I will end up making her a sandwich anyway.

I walk over to the couch where she sat with hers and my sandwich. She was ready waiting, as she watched the beginning of the movie Pitch Perfect.

"I absolutely love this movie!" I screech like a little bitch, as I hand Frizz her sandwich and plant my ass on the cushion. But my mind wasn't really on the movie. It was occupied with thoughts of where am I going to live. I can't go back to Luke and I surely can't stay here increasing Frizzy's bills and not paying a cent. I might have to stay here for a couple of nights while I get my own place back in Brooklyn. I really don't want to go back but I have into consideration that that's where my job is. But I can only stay here on Frizz's terms, with her permission of course.

"Frizz, do you mind if I stay for a couple of nights, just until I find my own place back home," I interrupt her movie.

"Girl, don't be stupid. You can move in here. The guest room can be yours. You can pay your part of the rent when you have the money. I can understand if you are short on the dollars." That is everything I want to hear. It would be easier that way instead of going all the way back home and doing all the paper work of renting my own place all by myself. I honestly wouldn't know how to live by myself. I would drive myself crazy with all the slightest noises. I would question if it is some supernatural being. But what am I going to do about my internship at the House.

"Frizz that would be the most amazing thing I have ever heard. I would love to take you up on that but what am I going to do about work?" I ask her.

"Just work from home or get a transfer," she says like it was obvious. I smile taking Frizz up on her offer.

"Well if I am moving in, tomorrow we are going shopping for my clothes," I smirk. Frizz screams in my ear as she pulls me into a hug.

"We are going to live together just like we said we would." I almost forgot. We had promised I would find her and we would live under the same roof and here we are, living together. I set myself a mental note to calk Ava tomorrow when she is out if her mood.

*Yay Amber has somewhere to live. What do you think of Ava? What will she say to have Amber from working at home? What would you do if you lived alone? What do you think the nightmare was about? fan vote comment share inbox. I wanna hear what you guys think. Don't forget to check out my instagram and twitter. Happy reading!

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