Chapter 36- Explanation

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Chapter 36- Explanation

"What was that for?" Nathan half shouts.

"Don't you dare speak to me," I spit, crossing my arms further across my chest, as I turned to watch the scenery outside the car.

"What did I do?"

"It is more of a 'What did I forget to tell you?'"

"What did he say to make you pout like that?" he reaches over to me to lighten the thick tension in the car but I only make it more dense by pushing his hand back to his chest.

I don't reply to his question. I just want to contemplate the situation I have placed myself in with Luke but with Nathan tossing questions at me about the Frizz and Nate thing, it is all I can think at all. That is the last thing I am concerned about because I need a plan of attack when I arrive at that apartment. Luke is going to try everything in his power to bring me back home.

"Amberiza, it is going to make this trip very uncomfortable for both you and me if you don't talk to me about what he had said to you."

Although I was not looking at him, I could physically feel him holding back everything he had to not shout at me. I know it is stupid but I am kind wishing he does because maybe he might come up with an insult I have not already told myself. But that would only cause me to argue back, which may push this tension between us to a whole new level. So instead I play along with his 'calm' approach.

I bet you didn't know that your new best friend used to mess around with your roommate.

New best friend used to mess around with your roommate.

Mess around with your roommate.

Your roommate.

His words are like an echo around my head, trying to escape the dark walls of a bat infested cave.

There was quite some time before anyone spoke. I guess we were both waiting for me to form the words or string some sort of coherent sentence.

"You... Frizz and... You and... Frizz," was all I could manage.

I turned back to face the road just in time to watch Nate piece the puzzle of my words together and hit the steering wheel with the palms of his hands with such force that it made me jump slightly in me seat. I might have jumped about a foot higher is it wasn't for this seatbelt.

I heard hushed curses from under his breath as he tried to come up with a... I don't know what he would say to me actually.

"I don't even know the fucking bastard, how does he even know about...?" his voice fades towards the end.

"Frizz," I assume.

"Look Amb, I am so sorry. I didn't mean for you to hear abo-"

"He used to call me that," I remind myself. Nathan gives me a look which is crossed between confusion and sympathy.

"He used to call me Amb," I repeat.

"I am so sorry." Now a face full of apologies. His face covered in black and white words. 'Sorry.' Just like the graffiti artists work along the train tracks in the city.

"No. It is the least I can do. I know that you used to fuck my roommate so the least I could tell you is what Luke used to call me." My words were wrapped in sarcasm and hurt.

"Amber, listen to me please," He moved his hand to mine, but this time I don't bother to move his hand away because it was warm, in this cold air. "I am genially sorry; you had to find out about... that from the last person you wish to see at the moment. I was going to tell you." He squeezed my hand slightly for reassurance.

"Really, when?"

"Geez, Amber. You are not making this easy on me."

"This is coming from the one who fucked his girlfriend's roommate."

I saw his cheeks flush at my choice of words but we both ignore the fact.

"I didn't even know you when I screwed Frizz." Broke.

"But you neglected to tell me that fact."

"Okay, yes. You are right. I didn't tell you about what happened between Felicite and I." Do I smell defeat? "Do you remember that first night? When we ate steak for dinner, and we made blueberry muffins together? I told you about my past, my parents, my habits. From then on you understood I have a terrible history with girls. What made you think I didn't have a history with Frizz?"

"I don't assume things like that."

"Well, I am deeply sorry. So what did Luke want in the first place?"

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