Chapter 25- Subconscious

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*i am super excited and super annoyed at the same time. bad stuff first. I have the chicken pox. my brother has the chicken pox. we had an emergency trip to the hospital today because he fainted. good news. 9 days until I see one direction live argh. and almost 250 reads. And my shelly is back home woooh. missed you Shelly. This is huge for me. thank you everyone for the amount of reads. please continue to fan vote comment share message. happy reading.


Chapter 25- Subconscious

~Frizz's POV~

I didn't know what time it was. I didn't even remember where I was until I sat up. And I was back to full consciousness. I was no longer half awake, half asleep.

Although I was fully aware of my surroundings I still wasn't sure what time it was. Oh, sure it was late but whether it was late hours of the night or wee hours of the morning, I wasn't sure.

Then I realised what brought me out my slumber state. It was my fucking phone.

Who would be ringing at this hour?

I answered the thing that was creating the annoying vibrating sound on my bedside table ready to jump the person on the other end.

"Who the fuck is this and what the fuck do you want at this fucking hour?!" I yelled as much as I could down the line as I hadn't quite found my voice yet.

All I could hear was uneven heavy breaths in my ear.

"Who the fuck is this?" I spoke slowly but spat venom out with each word.

"Where is my baby? Where is Amber?" The masculine voice slurred.


It had to be.

"What do you want Luke?" I snap.

"Where is she?" He snapped in return.

"Safe. What do you want?"


"Well you aren't gonna get her," I sass him.

"Felicite don't fucking mess with me! If you don't tell me where she is, I will come looking for her and no one wants that," he threatens but I am not affected by his words.

"Luke, you are clearly drunk. Go to bed and forget about Amber because she sure has forgotten about you," I spat.

"What do you mean 'she sure has forgotten about' me? Does she have a boyfriend? She can't! She said she loved me! Who the fucking does this guys think he is? Stealing my girl!" he screeched his slurred words.

"He is her fucking soul mate, Luke. And he will at least try to treat her right which is more than you ever did," I remind him.

"Fuck soul mates," he cursed, "she was mine first."

"I will find her and she will be mine because Amb still loves me, I know she does. I will find her Frizz. I will kill him if I have to," he promises.

I am still not scared by his words as he is drunk and those words will not mean anything to him by morning... or when he sobers up.

Has he been intoxicated this whole time Amber has been staying here?


"Bye, Luke."

"I will find you, too," he continues to promise before I hang up the phone, sick of his slurred words.

Luke has never been a man of his word. I am kind of glad for that because if he wasn't, I might actually be phased by his little episode just now.

Returning to my unconscious dreams was quite easy once I had shut out my conscious thoughts.

~Amber's POV~

Last night was a lot to take in.

It was rather late when I realised that Nathan should go home.

Time just flew past us.

It was weird that Nathan and I had the same shape necklace, but we shook it off as some happy coincidence. But I know somewhere inside there is more to it than just that.

I will ask Frizz about it when she wakes. I recall her saying something about some charm thing before we entered the restaurant.

Once I had finished baking the muffins last night, Nathan didn't even wait before they had cooled down, to steal one from the tray.

I then followed him into the lounge where we sat and talked about everything to nothing.

Majority of the night, when Frizz was awake, we talked about my life with and without Frizz. But when we were just to ourselves he opened up to me about his whole childhood.

He told me about the months he spent in the courts when he about 6 or 7, he couldn't quite remember, because his parents were divorcing. He told me how he was pretty much left to himself as a child once his mother gained full custody of him because his mother couldn't bare to look at him as Nathan's features reminded her of Nathan's father. He wasn't so alone; his family was rich so he had a nanny, Vanessa, who would treat him like her own. But he still missed that mother-son relationship. He was an only child so he never really got have a childhood. He was surrounded by adults, so he took it upon himself to act like one. And that is why now, he is kind of ass, his words not mine, because he is making up for lost time he wasted during the period when most kids would be outside in the pool or toilet papering the neighbour's house. No? No one else did that? Must just be me then.

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