Chapter 3- You never know

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*like I promised this one is going to be longish

have fun reading

- writers_dreams**

Chapter 3- You never know

After all the 'sign here's' and 'initial there's' I handed the paper work back to the nurse, she left Michael and myself in comfortable silence as we watched and adored out new baby girl, Amberiza, until we heard a light knock at the door. A tall, well suited but thin man walked inside, looking frustrated, yet pulled off a smile.

"Morning all. How are we?" Both Michael and I smiled in reply. "That's great to hear. My name is Dr. Miller. I am here to do a check up on you and the baby," he says to me, "but before I do we need to speak about the Charms. I understand you two are married?"

I almost forgot about the Charms and what influence they have on a person's life. It took me several years, almost 10, to work out the power the Charms held. Majority of my theories were false and now, I guess, is the time I find out if the rest are true.

I nod in reply to Dr. Miller's questions, "Yes, Doctor, we are."

"Great! Okay, let's get down to business. The Laws of the Charms consist of not removing the Charms from around anyone's neck otherwise that person will fade into thin air and 'disappear'. The child is to learn of the Laws by themselves without outside help, which include yourselves, grandparents or others who know of the Laws. She will find out the truth when she has her first child, after her marriage of course, just like yourselves. I am sure you know by now that the Charm itself gets warmer, the closer your soul mate is. Once you marry your soul mate, the two Charms form together and leave a Scar of the combined Charms on the right wrist to the two in the relationship/marriage like a trademark."

He goes on to lecture Michael and I about how it is our responsibility to make sure that Amberiza doesn't break any Laws. He does this by pronouncing her name wrong each time he referred to her. And as he did so I ran my thumb over my Scar which hides the purposely placed ones underneath as all thoughts and memories can crashing back through my mind like a tsunami wave. The thoughts I don't need only hours after my first baby's birth. I shake my thoughts out and paste a smile across my frown and nod to whatever question Michael had just asked me that I didn't actually hear.

Once the Doctor had explained the Laws of the Charms and explained our responsibilities, it was time to hand my Charm down to Amberiza. Michael did the honours of removing the chain from around my neck as I moved my hair out if the way. He held it in his hand for a few seconds as this is a big moment in our lives. I sat Amber up right on my lap as Michael placed the Charm around her neck but before he could finish clasping the chain together, the Charm had already begun to change shape from mine and Michael's solid heart to the out-line of a four pointed star. The Charm sits perfectly between her collar bones. Not long after we were emitted from the hospital

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