Chapter 6- Get Out of Here

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cheers xx


Chapter 6- Get Out of Here

"Amber, can we please not do this now. I am not having a good day," he whines as he rubs his temple.

"You're having a bad day?!" I snap. I let out everything I was holding within. "You wanna hear about my day!? On my way to the internship my coffee spilt and burned my leg!" I say, lifting my skirt up to reveal the white bandage, "At lunch I almost choked to death and all day... you remember Jason... He was hitting on me all day, but more than what is comfortable. And then I come home to this," I refer to the mess in the apartment that we both stand amongst, "to find out that you have forgotten my birthday! My fucking 18th birthday, you asshole!" I shout hoping all that got across.

"Jason was hitting on you! Why didn't you fucking tell me?!" His raised voice scared me as I jumped back. No longer sexy, just terrifying.

"That's all you got from that? It is my birthday and you are concerned about some guy hitting on me! Boy, you need to sort out your priorities!" I point my finger in his direction. By this point I am pulling my hair out of my head. Well happy birthday to me! I think sarcastically.

"Don't you dare turn this back on me!" He demands.

"It is always about you! And I can do whatever the fuck I want! I could walk out that damned door and leave your sorry ass behind!" I threatened.

"You couldn't leave me. You wouldn't know what to do without me." His self-centeredness stands out more than ever.

"Actually Luke, you're the one who couldn't live without me. You wanna know why? It's because I am the one with a paying internship which pays your bills to your apartment. And what do you do to contribute? Nothing. You do fucking nothing but make a mess for me to fucking clean up." I poke my finger into his bare chest to emphasize each word.

He clearly didn't like it, whether it was how I spoke to him or the physical contact, I'm not sure. But it was for sure that he didn't agree with something I did as I felt his palm come in contact with my face. My eyes began to water involuntary due to the pain that stung in my cheek.

Cupping my cheek with my hand, I step to walk out if the apartment when Luke grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me toward him. He looked me in the eye apologetically and says, "Babe, I'm sorry I don't know what come over me. Please forgive me." He was about to enclose me in a hug but I pushed him away in protest to keep my distance.

I step back from his grip and push my hand down to sit beside my thigh, "No, Luke. Don't touch me. I'm sorry. I have to leave."

As I walk out the door, without forgetting my bag, keys and coat on the way out, I heard Luke plea for me to stay but before he could finish I had closed the door behind me. At least I know I won't forget my 18th birthday.

*thanks for reading! What did you think?*

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