Chapter 17- I don't buy it

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*Hi guys. Woohh double update! I think I owe it to you considering I haven't really been consistent this past week. It has been rough. A lot of assessment and a lot of tears because of all the stress But it is the last week of school so I guess I will have more time to update over the next 3 weeks. If you feel that the chapters are getting sloppier please let me know so I can rewrite them to the best that I can. I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far but I wouldn't know because I haven't heard any theories heheh. hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope you all said hi to Michelle. haah love ya Shelly <3 and all my readers as well


Chapter 17- I don't buy it

I drank my tea and ate my muffin quite quickly because I was eager to start my shopping I am in serious need of retail therapy. But before I could stand to put my rubbish in the bin, my eyes had landed on familiar curls. The crowd had moved enough to confirm that it was my best friend. We just stood there starring at each other like sister who have been arguing and are unsure to move away or move closer.

I was mad but I couldn't work out if I was mad at Felicite. All I knew was that I was mad. Sure, it wasn't her fault that Nathan called me a Yankee but for some reason, I still blame her for what happened.

Before realized what was happening Frizz had me within her arms and close to her chest.

"You aren't mad at me, are you?" She asked, half wishing.

"Part of me says yes, but the other says I just need to spend myself broke." I tell her. I feel her smile on my shoulder.

"Thank God, because it would have been awkward when I got home later tonight."

"Where are you going?" I question, already guessing who.

"No one you know," She lies.

"Come on, Frizzy. You don't need to lie to me," I tell her not exactly meaning it. I just want her to know that she doesn't have to lie to me no matter what I will think or say. She shouldn't have to hide from me.

"Okay. Well, I am meeting up with Abi, Jake and Nathan at the club tonight." I smile pretending I am okay with it but really I just want to stay in with her watching reruns of the Kardashian's, like we have been the past couple of days. But I do realise that she does have friends other than me and I have to accept that even if she is my only friend, or person that I even talk to.

Frizz could point out how I felt about that, I guess, by just watching my facial features. "What are we doing standing here? Let's get our shop on." She looped her arm through mine and pulled me into the closest store, restoring the smile on face.

We automatically strode over to the sales rack, picking out items of clothing that we liked. Frizz picking up a pair of those fucking denim underwear with the studs that girls nowadays class as pants, even though they show the world half of their privates. I must have looked surprised at Frizzy's choice in shorts as she began to laugh.

"Don't you like them?" she sounds serious but I know she is kidding.

"Definitely not," I giggle in return

* AAYYY!! why would Amber be mad at Frizz? If you were in Amber's shoes would you just shop till your broke? Is it right for Frizz to go out with Nathan after what happened at lunch? Hope you enjoyed it guys <3 fan vote comment share inbox whatever. stay tuned for the new chapter. next chapter will be dedicated to the first voter. actually I am going to do that from now. first vote for dedication!

-cheers xx

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