Chapter 26- Ready to dance

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*today was a better day. dedication to Shelly because she voted on the last chapter. thanks beautiful. the reads just keep going up and up and up. thanks so much guys. keep fanning voting commenting messaging and sharing. If you feel like having a conversation with me or if you any questions please don't hesitate to ask!


Chapter 26- Ready to dance

I know I only saw him last night but I just couldn't get enough.

That is why I am kind of glad we made plans last night to meet up today, but just the two of us. No Frizz. Just Nathan and I.

I sat behind the bench on one of stools spooning cereal into my mouth as Frizz stood beside the stove waiting for her bacon to cook.

This is where I ask her about what she meant in the car outside the restaurant yesterday. About some charm? I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me.

But clearly I got side tracked by telling her about my night.

"No, I am really glad that you and Nathan have made up."

"Why do you say that?" I question. I do not know why I did, but it always good to know the reasoning to someone's opinion right?

"It is so hard to see you so down... About Luke." She turns around to flip her bacon over but there is something in her tone that puts me on edge.

"What's with the sudden concern about Luke? Frizz, I am fine. I have had you to help me get through all of this."

I made it sound like 'this' was just generalised to the breakup. But it was about her staying up with me late at night. It was about her taking me to meet her friends, to get out the house. It was about these past days and everything she had put on hold for me. All because of Luke.

"I know, but-" her voice drifts off to a stop.

"But what, Frizz?" I half shout.

"I just worry about you Amber, okay?" she says, frustration pouring from each word.

From her voice I know that that isn't the thing that has put her on edge. She still hasn't turned around from the stove. It's like she is afraid to look me in the eye.

"Frizz, what is really going on?" concern pouring from me.

"I- I didn't sleep well last night." She lied and I could straight through her wall like it was made of glass.

Just as I was about call bullshit on her lies, there was a knock at the door.

That must be Nathan

"I will get it," I spit, jumping down from the stool.

I straighten up my black flared skater skirt and replace the smug look on my face with a fake one before I placed my fingers around the handle to the door.

There it is again. The butterflies. But this time they aren't just flying, I think they are exploding. My nerves are reaching their climax.

And then I saw his smile and the black metal in his nose.

"You ready to go?" he says putting his hands into his pockets nervously.

Good to see he is as nervous as me.

"Yeah, just let me grab my bag. Give me a minute." I turn back to find my room while manoeuvring the maroon tight crop top so it covers majority of the bare skin on my torso. Having a larger chest than the average girl my size is a bitch.

I quickly find my bag, taking my phone off charge, then walk out to find Nathan still outside.

He could have come in. Oh, well. It doesn't matter now because I mutter something resembling a goodbye to Frizz and shut the door behind me.

We were both, shortly, seating and strapped into the car. I don't know much about cars but I know this one was very expensive but by the look and sound of it, it was fucking worth it.

"So where are you taking me?"

"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" He smirks over in my direction as he backs outs of the drive way.

"You didn't answer my question," I smile still looking at him, refusing to divert my attention anywhere else.

"You didn't answer mine," his signature smirk appearing once more.

"No you didn't," I playfully reply to his question, not quite sure where this conversation is going.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," he says as our eyes meet and he cheekily grins. "You are just going to have to wait to find out where I am taking you."

The drive is short but sweet. Nathan has pulled up out the front of some sort of small hall which looks like the wooden surface is chipping around the corners. Don't even get me started about the flaking faded paint. At first glance you would think that it is some abandoned warehouse but the garden placed before it is too well looked after to be so.

As I stare at the building, Nathan has exited the car and walk around to my side to open my door.

Giving me his hand for assistance I ask, "Nate, what are we doing here?" My face probably filled with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"This way my lady," he half bows, with a full arm gesture toward the old building and the other for me to hold.

With a shake of my head, I grab his hand as we walk up the path.

Once we reach the doors he drops his hand from mine to push them open.

The doors move to reveal a large area covered with wooden floor boards and a load of chairs stacked to the sides and a handful of tables folded on the corner.

"Do you know how the other night you were talking about how Frizz would go to your dance recital until you were fifteen?" he asks turn on the lights.

Where is he going with this?

"Well I thought that maybe you could start dancing again," he shrugs.

I laugh at his suggestion. "What makes you think I will dance after all these years?"

"3. 3 years," he corrects.

"What makes you think I will dance after all of 3 years," I retort sarcastically.

"You don't have to start dancing professionally but at least show me what you are capable of."

The idea of dancing again fills my smile with excitement but I am so out of shape and for all I know I can't dance at all anymore.

"Don't think about it," he says only moments before he presses play on the old CD player. And not even a second later Avril Lavigne's 'Why' began to push its way through the dusty speakers.

"I am not going to dance."

"C'mon Amber, just let everything out. Pretend I am not here." He backs up against the far wall as if to hide away. I give in to his requests and toss my bag far away from me as possible without caring about the fragile objects inside.

"Fine," I say just before the music takes me before the chorus arrives.

The music moves me the way it used to, the way I remember. The melody closes me within its rhythm, blocking out the outside world. Taking me away from my problems and just letting me dance without any disruptions.

After making several high leaps, many twists and turns and graceful movements the song ends all too soon.

Before I look over at Nathan a new song begins to play. It being years since I last danced, I didn't pass up the opportunity to dance to another song.

Again the song takes me somewhere else. Drives me further down the road away from my troubles.

Taking on a different genre of dance, my movements were more abrupt, ridged and modern but at times, I were able just to flow smoothly.

As expected, it was time to stop as the music had finished making noise.

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