Chapter 18- Chatter box

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*HEEYYY! wow that was an eventful weekend. hope you guys are enjoying the book. because no one voted for the last chapter I am going to shout out to my three recent followers wintercwhite, eringreyson, and shadhan. thank you to all three of you. Don't forget now I am doing first voter dedication. Happy reading


Chapter 18- Chatter box

"So how was lunch?" I hesitantly ask Frizz. I had been trying to avoid the question as we shop the store in the Mall but we just ran out of things to talk about aside from the occasional, "How about this?" or "Does this suit me?" I was trying to keep the conversation alive. She frowned, her brows and scrunched up her nose at the question.

"It was just weird after you stormed... Walked out," she corrected, "which was weird because we usually always have something to talk about. But Nathan was kind bummed that you left, which was kind of why there was thick tension and it was just weird. So I left to find you sitting by yourself, eating that ugly muffin."

"Hey, that was a good muffin," I defend. But then I question the rest of what Frizz had said.

"Why would Nathan be 'bummed' that I left? We only just met," I asked.

"Were you not feeling it?" Frizz walked over to a rack of clothing labelled 'New stock' and began to overlook the items on cotton and synthetic fabrics.

What was she talking about? The butterflies flying around in my stomach? The heat finding the surface of my skin of my cheeks? My knees almost buckling underneath me? Feeling light headed? Have the whole world just stop and focus on this one guy standing on metres from where I was? Yes, I definitely felt it.

"What do you mean?" was all I could muster up to say.

"Come on Amber, you know what I am talking about. I saw it, I could feel it between you two."

What am I supposed to say to that? I felt for something for a guy who I had not even met yet, who turns out to be an asshole by the way. Then she pretty much admits that he was feeling what I was.

"Nathan was an ass," I state bluntly.

"You were over reacting," she snaps back.

"He thought I was American," I say with a slightly raised voice.

"You were over reacting," Frizz repeats.

"For Christ sake! He was fucking convinced that I was a fucking Yankee!" I shout catching death glares from surrounding customers and staff of the store. "Just drop it already Frizz," lowing my voice to an almost whisper but it still had the necessary amount of venom in it.

"I will drop it, when you admit that you over reacted."

Blackmail. Plain and simple. Blackmail. I wasn't always stubborn; I was just competitive when the competition is my best friend.

I had to think of what possible good could come from this confession. I couldn't just say that I was wrong and had had lost my nerve because Frizz would detect my lie. Had I really overreacted to Nathan's comment? No I didn't. It was perfect valid response to what he had said. This is going nowhere.

"It a perfectly valid response," I repeat my thought aloud.

"Or were you just mad because he reminded you of Luke."

*OMG Frizz didn't go there! How will Amber act to this? Did she overreact? What would you do in this situation? Where you had to accept defeat? vote fan comment share so your friends idk but remember the first voter for this and future chapters will get dedication*

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