Chapter 5- I'm Sick of It

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*hey guys lemme know what you think. and if you see any spelling or grammar errors please let me know so I can fix it right away

cheers xx

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ;)


Chapter 5- I'm Sick of It

I slam the door to my old tatty car, annoyed with today's events at my internship. I straighten my pencil skirt over my legs, hold my head high and fake a smile as I walked up the stairs to our apartment in the middle of the rotten streets of Brooklyn. With my purse sitting extremely uncomfortable on my shoulder I unlock the door to the rubbish dumb I call home.

"Why can't Luke ever fucking pick up after himself?" I asked myself aloud, as I hang my coat on the hook beside the door. I dropped my keys in the bowl on the small table, also beside the door and place my bag in the ground.

"I'm home!" I shout hoping I wake the bastard from his slumber state, although I am unaware of his presence. Until he walks to meet me in the lounge room shirtless, as he rubs the sleep from his eyes. Damn, boy why do you have to be so god damn good looking. Even the smallest things set fireworks off in my stomach. That is the influence this boy has over me. He held his arms out to offer to enclose me in a hug, but being in an annoyed mood, I refused to move anywhere. All I did was close my arms over my chest. His light blue, fucking gorgeous eyes meet mine. We kept our gaze locked as he inched closer and closer to me. When I was in a close proximity to Luke he stretched his long, muscular arms out to reach for my waist. Obeying to his movements I stepped closer to his body, obviously not looking too pleased.

"Amb, what's wrong?" His deep husky sleepy voice catching me off guard. I shake my head hoping that Luke would drop it. So it took me by surprise when he said, "You know what? You don't have to tell me because I am going to kiss those frown lines away." My heart flutters at his words. I swear my feet leave the ground as he lightly kisses my forehead. As he moves down my face toward my mouth the touch becomes more passionate, rushed and hungry. I thought I was floating but Luke had picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist where he stood. As the kissing turned heated, a smile quite quickly replaced my bad day. Still wrapped around Luke, I kick my heels off, which by now have given me blisters. Luke placed me on the ground despite my refusal to touch the floor. He untucked my button up, collar shirt from my pencil skirt and pulled it over my head to reveal my white lace bra. Luke's eyes widen in arousal as he played with the wire supporting my chest.

"Have I ever told you how innocent you look with this bra on?" He says seductively.

"Yeah, but I don't mind hearing it again," I giggle. That pushed him to the edge. Luke couldn't handle it anymore. I could see it in his eyes. He lightly pushed me to fall back onto the couch. Once I hit the cushions I winced in pain as I felt something stab me in the back. Without looking I feel around to find the source of my pain and sure enough it was as stupid crushed beer can.

"No I can't do this. Nothing is going to happen tonight until this apartment is spotless. I am sick of living in a pigsty, Luke," I stand to me feet, putting my shirt back on much to Luke's disappointment.

"You are starting to sound a lot like my mother, Amberiza," his American accent thick and husky.

"The difference between your mother and I, is that I have a choice to leave your sorry ass. And I wouldn't have to if you could put things fucking away where they belong. I mean, it's the least you could do whilst I am busting my ass getting bills paid and study all at the same fucking time because you sit around here all day doing nothing to contribute."

With that his jaw line tenses, making it stand out and make him look a hint sexier. Amber what are you doing? Shut up! Shut up!

*Cliff hanger boom! What did u think? Thank for reading this far! fan, vote, comment, inbox what have ya xxx

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