Chapter 29- Bipolar

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Chapter 29- Bipolar

I will just let the phone ring.

"You should probably answer that," Nathan mumbles through the kiss.

I bat my hand at the air as I continued to kiss him, "If it is important they will ring back."

I feel him smile, happy to hear that we won't have to break our connection, and of course his smile is contagious.

Nate's hands begin to move away from my face. One landing on the small of my back while the other finds its way underneath my thigh, high up my leg.

Once I had wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself from falling to the white tiled floor, Nathan has lifted me onto the bench.

I pout when Nate removes his lips from mine. His low laugh burns through me when his mouth reconnects with my neck, making me let out a loud moan.

His hand begins to slither its way up my short skirt. Just before I felt him tug at my underwear, I hear his loud sigh in my ear as the oh-so familiar ringtone becomes audible yet again.

He stepped back from the bench, allowing me room to jump down to fetch my phone.

I held the electronic up to my ear as I fixed my shirt around my torso.


"Amberiza. When are you coming back to work?" Ah, good ol' Ava.

Shit! Have I not called her about transferring?! FUCK!

"Uh actually, I was just about to call you about transferring," I half question but mostly lie, as I watch Nathan start to cook our fish and chips.

"To which house?"


I hear her sigh through the line.

"Have you got a place to live? Or do I have to find you one?"

Although Ava has her bitchy moments when she wants to rip everyone's face off, she is really lovely when it comes to people necessities.

"No, you don't have to do that. I have found a roommate to stay with. She is an old friend of mine from Australia," I tell her.

"Alright, well. It's okay with me. I will give the publishing house in Philadelphia a ring and let them know that you will be starting on Thursday."

I fist bump the air knowing I don't have to work from home anymore because all of the manuscripts she has been sending through to my email have been using up all my data. I can't afford that shit, whether they are paying me to do it or not.

"Thank you so much, Ava. I will ring you every week to let you know how I am going. Better yet, I will email you so you can reply on your own time. Thank you so much, again," I say cheerily into the phone, practically jumping up and down. I can see Nathan giving me a confused look in the corner of my eye.

"But, but, but. But you need to come back to collect your stuff and say goodbye to everyone at the office, okay?"


"Okay, I will see you soon," I say in a fake cheery tone.

We say our goodbyes and not soon enough, I hung up the phone.

What have I just agreed to? I would rather pay months of expensive phone pills then go back to Brooklyn. I can't go back home... Brooklyn. Brooklyn is not home anymore. Philly is home. But I can't go back.

What if I see him again? Luke. I bet if I saw his face again I would run straight to his arms and forget the progress I have made in my life.

My life.

For fuck sake, I danced, today, for the first time since him.

It felt incredible to move forward, to dance again. I can't go back.

But I just promised I would. I have to.

But I can't.

I am snapped back to reality when Nathan begins to speak.

"Are you bipolar?"

Is that supposed be a joke?

Obviously taking note of the confusion in my face, he explains his question, "One minute you are jumping up and down, all excited, all most shouting into the phone, and now, it looks like you are questioning your entire existence in this universe."

"That sounds a whole lot nicer then what I have just agreed too," I joke. But only I know how much I wish it was just a stupid joke.

*hey guy. sorry for the late update. I finally found an editor. hopefully soon all the chapters will be edited and awesome. Assignments just seem to be stacking up but how was everyone's Halloween? What did you guys dress up as? vote fan comments share inbox. happy reading xx


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