Chapter 28- Surprising

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*Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while. I have been busy at a one direction concert. you know just the every day thing. no I am kidding but it was incredible and now, if you couldn't guess by my new book, I am kind of having boy troubles but it okay I have my readers and SAB. thank you for the 352 read as well. OMG I am rambling on okay vote comment fan share inbox. happy reading


Chapter 28- Surprising

I could hear the crunch of waffle cone between his teeth, finishing his ice cream as he tried to open the door with hands filled with bags.

"I will die before I make two trips," I remember him saying as we pulled the plastic bags out of the car. He, too, refused my help to carry them inside and even open the door for him.

Nathan had finally unlocked the door to his apartment. I was shell shocked when I saw the contents of the building.

For the bad boy masquerade Nate puts on, the rooms are quite clean. I will admit it is probably cleaner in here then mine and Frizz's place. Luke would say that I am a neat freak. I lower my head to watch my feet of the though. But really I just love to see the history and characteristic in the floor. I like to see where I am walking.

We walked down a hallway, which was littered with wooden doors against white walls to one large open room which was spit into four with furniture. From the hall you walk into the lounge/reading room as the left wall had a large LCD flat screen TV, surrounded by a black leather couch, as the right wall had a tall wooden bookcase filled with books of all sizes and colours.

As we walked further into the apartment, we reached the back of the room which was lit from natural light pouring in from the large windows, there sat a dining room with an elegant looking table surrounded with chairs like a prisoner in a cell... only less depressing, and a kitchen with black marble tops and white cupboards and draws, finished with silver appliances.

I followed Nathan into the kitchen where he just dumbed the groceries on the bench top. I moved myself around him to help unpack the food. I found the refrigerator and put away the 3L carton of milk.

"What do you think you are doing?" he says playfully, making me smile.

"Helping," I say grabbing more items to put away in the fridge.

He grabs the things out of my hands and says, "No, you're not. Please just sit down and converse with me." He slightly pushed me out of the kitchen toward the dining room. He stepped ahead of me and pulled out the chair on the end closest to the kitchen. So just to push his buttons I walked to the farthest end of the table and sat down.

"But- whatever," he gives up, shaking his head and smiling at my childish move and mischievous grin.

He made his way back into the kitchen.

Frizz has told me time and time again that Nathan can be asshole but so far all I can see if Mr Nice Guy.

"Are you really as bad everybody says?" I ask resting my elbows on the table.

He kind of froze from my words, unsure if he should answer my question.

"What do you mean?" He shifts his weight from foot to foot several times awaiting my reply.

"I hear that you're quite the asshole. And the way you dress. Are you putting an act on for me or for them?" I jump from thought to thought, voicing each one.

"Do you not like the way I dress?" he asked pulling the fabric away from his stomach.

"I- You are just so nice to me and it contradicts with what people are saying about you."

"Who do you want me to be?"


"I want you to be you. Whether that the bad ass who curses at every living thing, or the nice and considerate guy you were today. I want to know you, not the guy you think I want to know." I stand from my position at the table and moved toward Nathan who seemed deep and thought as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Hey," I say placing a finger under his chin so he looks me in the eye, "No more acts. No more charades. No more hiding from me. You don't need to act with me. I just want to know the real Nathan. The one that has been hiding himself for years."

"I just- I don't want you to be with me if I can't treat you right. I am trying so hard to treat you right. The way you deserve."

We are not even a... thing? Can I say that? But his words make me cave. I told myself I wouldn't make a move on Nate until I was sure. And his words just gave me a reason.

I moved my hands to his cheeks as my lips met his. At first he was taken aback with my gesture but soon gave in and started to kiss me back. It was just supposed to be a quick one but things never go to plan. We both moved so there was no space left between us as the kiss deepened.

Until my phone began to ring.

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